02 ﹕ revelations

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chapter o2 ─── revelations
revenge is sweet, freda, georgia.

"That was bloody cold, Accalia."

"What Fred said."

The twins lowly grumbled at their table, playfully glaring at Genesis who snickered at their soaked appearances.

"Revenge is sweet, Freda, Georgia." The girl snorted at the twins' nicknames before eating yet another one of her baked muffins. Molly lightly slapped the noirette's shoulder who flinched in surprise, lips forming a pout when the ginger haired woman started scolding the girl.

Molly tried to persuade the girl to stop eating any more muffins, causing Genesis to pout even more like a kicked puppy and the rest of the family to laugh at their muffin-loving friend. Then again, they sort of agreed with Molly, since Genesis is on her tenth muffin.

Too much for a person, but apparently, not for Genesis, who thinks is still not enough.

"You can never have enough, Aunt Molls." With a smirk, Molly closed her eyes and shake her head with an amused smile.

"You're just like your father, I swear to Merlin." The mood didn't change one bit, since Genesis is used to comments like that about her real parents. She was rather lucky to hear about them, what they were like or how they acted when they were students Hogwarts like herself. Genesis can tell that there's something that's holding them back, but she hoped that they'll tell her what it is someday.

"Was Mr. Clearwater a muffin-loving man like little Accalia here?" Charlie asked yet didn't waste the time and still tease Genesis who gasp in surprise.

"Hey!" Genesis yelled in offense when she heard "little" as Arthur chuckled at Charlie's question.

"Right, he is. He and his brothers are always causing a ruckus when it comes to food." Arthur told them, remembering his days in Hogwarts where Nicholson Clearwater would invite him and Molly to eat everything in their house table at the Great Hall. They stuffed their faces with food, joked about not being enough, and everyone would laugh at their antics.

"No wonder Accalia's got a stomach like a troll!" Ron exclaimed in revelation and sputtered in surprise when Genesis threw a piece of muffin at the ginger. He was about to retaliate but then both god-siblings just playfully glared at each other when Hermione intervened. She scolded Genesis because of her unruly actions and told Ron to stop whatever he'll do next.

"Anyway─ Wils, Charles, you two are apparating then?" Genesis asked the two older Weasleys who nodded. They watched as the girl's eyes sparkled in amazement, making Bill chuckle at the impressed girl. Ever since Genesis knew what apparation was, she wanted to try it. But, she heard that she has to take a test or some sort to actually do it.

And mentally grimaced at the thought of being splinched.

Before she could ask what it feels like, Arthur looked at his watched before ushering them to hurry up. He nearly forgot that they were travelling with two other people and Genesis immediately turned to Hermione.

The noirette tapped Hermione's shoulder and faced her, wondering what Genesis needed. "Hey, Hermione, do you have a watch?"

shifting, hermione grangerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin