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"Pair up! Chop chop! Get to know each other! Come on!" Mrs. Madsen clapped her hands, breaking me from my daze of shock. I'm gonna be partners with the school player, heartthrob, and bad boy. Not to mention the amount of time I'll have to hang out with him. This is gonna be an interesting year.

"Um who's Briar Rose?" I heard Jack ask Mrs. Madsen.

"She's the new student," Mrs. Madsen pointed at me making me look down at my blank notebook. Jack made his way towards me, smirking. 

"So the little lamb has a name," he smirked.

"You can call me Briar if you'd like," I offered.

"But that's what everyone calls you," he pointed out. "Hmm. How about Rose?"

"Rose?" I asked. I had to admit, I didn't mind it. 

"Rose it is," he nodded causing me to chuckle. 

"So, what d'you want to do for the skit?" I asked.

"Let's not focus on that. I can think of other things to focus on," his smirk returned.

"Like what?" I asked nervously.

"Like...are you a virgin?" Jack asked out of the blue.

"What?" I asked, taken aback.

"You heard me," he spoke knowingly. "Are you a virgin?"

"And why would that be of your concern?" I asked, trying to dodge the question.

"Just trying to break the ice a little," he shrugged.

"By doing it in the most vulgar way?" I asked. 

"I'm surprised you're surprised, considering all the rumors you've heard about me," Jack spoke with bitterness in his voice. 

"I didn't really believe them at first," I admitted.

"You didn't?" he asked, shocked.

"Well, that was before the whole 'are you a virgin' thing. I try to give everyone a fair chance," I shrugged. "And the answer is yes. But you won't be able to do anything about it."

"And why not, little lamb?" he cooed, caressing my jaw.

"Because I won't let you," I replied simply, taking my jaw out of his grasp. "My turn to ask a question. What's you're favorite color?" Jack let out a laugh at the innocence of my question.

"Blue," he answered. "What's yours?"

"Pastel green," I responded. "In all honesty I just like pastel colors."

"You really are as innocent as you look," he chuckled. 

"Is that a good thing?" I asked, tilting my head.

"You can take it however you want," he shrugged.

"Hi, I'm Lindsey. Jack's girlfriend," the brunette intervened.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Briar Rose, but you can call me Briar," I politely smiled.

"Hey bunny, what's up?" Jack asked.

"You know why he calls me bunny?" Lindsey asked, not letting me respond before continuing. "Cause I can bounce up and down on his-"

"-I get it," I shuddered. "We'll talk about the skit later. Bye Jack. Bye Lindsey. I've gotta talk to Mrs. Madsen."

<<< ••• >>>


"What was that about, bun?" I asked once Rose walked up to the teacher's desk.

"I didn't like the way she was talking to you," Lindsey stubbornly replied.

"You think she's gonna take me away from you?" I asked, practically mocking her. "She'd never make me feel so good. She's too innocent. Besides, she's just cute. Not my type. You're drop dead gorgeous. My type," I lied through my teeth. I would totally give Rose a shot. I mean, her lean body would probably feel great up against me.

"How about we take this somewhere more private?" Lindsey suggested making me smirk.

"Whatever you want bun," I responded.

"I need to go to the restroom," Lindsey excused. Mrs. Madsen nodded, allowing her to go. I waited a moment, so it wouldn't be suspicious.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked. Mrs. Madsen nodded again, allowing me to leave the room. Once I exited the room, I saw Lindsey leaning against a closet door, her back turned to me. I pulled her into the closet, making her gasp. Her gasp grew into a moan as I pinned her to the wall and kissed her neck, nipping and sucking away. "This has to be a quickie, k? Don't want to be caught."

"Course daddy," she moaned out as I sucked on her neck harshly. 

<<< ••• >>>


School was over, so I decided to stop by the dojo to train. On my way there, I heard someone call for me. "Rose!" I heard Jack say. He was slowly making his way towards me, making me slightly nervous.

"Yes?" I responded.

"We never got to finish talking," he pointed out, finally reaching me, slinging his arm around my shoulders.

"Well, your girlfriend didn't seem to like me much," I shrugged, ducking out of his arm, continuing my way to the dojo.

"She doesn't like a lot of girls. She knows I don't exactly commit to her. I fuck other girls, she fucks other guys to try to make me jealous, it ends in angry sex and so on and so forth," he spoke nonchalantly.

"You're livin' the life," I rolled my eyes, entering the dojo.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're jealous," Jack smirked.

"Of what?" I asked.

"Lindsey. I bet you wanna be my little bunny, hm?" he hummed.

"You'd lose that bet," I replied, setting my backpack down next to my locker. "I may not want to be your 'little bunny', but I don't have anything against being your friend."

"A friend? You don't want me for anything?" Jack asked in disbelief.

"What would I need from you?" I asked.

"I don't know. Most people want me for weed, alcohol, and sex," he replied.

"Well, I'm not most people," I shrugged, leaving him dumbstruck in his place.

<<< ••• >>>

After training, I was stopped by Jerry and Milton. "What were you doing with Jack earlier?" Jerry asked.

"Me and him were assigned partners in theatre, today. Lindsey cut our conversation short, so we were just finishing it up," I replied.

"Be careful. We might not have known you for long, but we don't want you to get hurt," Milton sighed.

"Thanks," I smiled. "Well, I'm gonna get goin'. See ya tomorrow." I migrated to my locker, opening it up for my water bottle. When I opened my locker, a slip of paper fell out. I picked it up, reading the writing that was written on it.

(213) - 472 - 3198
Call me. I wanna try this whole 'friend' thing. - Jack

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