At the end of the day I exited the front door and saw Hayley and Nick waiting for me. The moment they noticed me, I decided to turn around and enter the school again. They followed me in and constantly called my name as they waited for me to reply. Eventually I got tired and chose to reply. Both of them walked up closer to me as I waited and other students passed by. Hayley asked me if I was okay, but I didn't answer. After Nick asked me what happened in the cafeteria. All of us staring at each other, I shoulder shrugged. Few silent seconds later as I looked around with them keeping their eyes on me, I waved at them then left and went home. When I reached home, I opened my bag and was searching for the keys when the door opened. Slowly closing my bag, I pushed the door wider open to find Anna standing behind. Slowly I looked at her and headed towards the stairs when she told me I had a visitor. I shifted my head back to her and look intensely in her eyes to see if she was lying. Once I confirmed she was telling the truth, I turned around completely and followed her to my visitor. We stopped at the front of the sitting room where no one was there. I watched her as she continued looking in the room. As I was about to speak, I heard footsteps coming into the room. Facing up I saw Melody. She gave me a small smile as she took a few steps closer. I let Anna out the room so that I could talk to Melody in private. When I closed the door, Melody was already sitting down with one leg over the other, so I sat down on the couch next to her. We locked eyes as we silently waited.

"How could you not tell me that you and Derek weren't friends? You said you two resolved things..." she said. "What makes you think that?" I asked. She rolled her eyes then leaned closer at me waiting for the truth. "We came to a conclusion and made a deal. We didn't resolve or fix anything." I explained. "Why didn't you come to me? We can work it out together-" "and that's exactly why we agreed not to get you involved. This was between me and him." I told her as I leaned closer. Straight after, both of us leaned back onto the couch at the same time. I apologised about what I had said in the cafeteria, then there was a moment of silence and about ten minutes later after I offered her a snack. After our snack and talking more about our issue, half an hour past and I walked her out. We gave each other a hug and as I was about to close the door, I heard Anna say wait. I turned around to find her, but she had already gone under my arm to hug Melody goodbye. When she let go, I held Anna down on one shoulder as we waved bye to her. Once I closed the door Anna began interrogating me about who she was and what happened today during break as I heard her eavesdropping from out the room.

The next day at the end of History, Mrs Ruben called Nick, Derek, Melody and I up to her as everyone else left and asked Nick and I to help them catch up with everything. After the short discussing and we were a few steps from the classroom we decided to make a buddie system. I was about to suggest an idea, at what time Melody decided to speak and recommended I help Derek and Nick helps her. Before anyone could say anything, she wrapped her arm around Nick and began walking. I glared at her as she dragged Nick with her, both Nick and Derek looking at me confused. The same time as Derek said his first word, I shut him up and told him we should go and started walking the opposite direction. As I carried on walking, I become aware of Derek walking next to me and continuously looking at me from time to time. I tried to ignore him as much as possible, but soon the feeling started to become uncomfortable, so I kept my distance. As the day progressed swiftly, Derek ceased with the looks and the day went by smoother. At the end of English with Hayley, we were heading to the cafeteria the minute Principal Bransten walked our direction and called me to her office.

Whilst she began to walk to her office, Hayley and I eyed each other before I followed behind the principal. As soon as we entered, and I sat down, she shut the door behind me and stood behind her chair with both arm on top. First, she I asked me if I was okay and I nodded my head. After she asked me if I knew why I was in the office and I shook my head. She pulled her chair back so that she could sit and placed both her hands on the table. I kept shifting my eyes from one object in her office to another, when I stopped and examined her framed photo. Her eyes followed mine, by then she flipped the frame down and told me to look at her. The stare she was giving me, I couldn't tell whether it was appealing or brooding. She leaned closer reaching for my hand, asking me if I was okay once more and I gave her the same reply. Next, I requested to know what I was doing in her office. She leaned back and gave me a serious look after. "I heard what happened the weekend you were at your 'friend's house' and I wanted to confirm you are okay." I smiled at her in disbelief, "Principal Bransten, not to be disrespectful, but you never have called in a student because you were curious about their health, so may you please tell me why I am here?" I said with confidence meanwhile I regretted everything I said. She leaned back and crossed her arms surprised seeing how I am quiet in class. Principal Bransten and I sat in silence as she refused to answer my question. In the end after several minutes, she dismissed me and I heading to break when the bell rang. My next lesson was chemistry, so on my way to class, I opened my can from my bag and drank it.

CrushedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora