Chapter 20

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Saturday morning around 8am, I went to the hospital with Rose while Anna slept in and Jason stayed to keep an eye on her and the puppy. We went to go see how the babies were. While we were in the waiting room, Rose and I played a game and she told me about all the things I used to do as a baby. I never really focused and though of on how much Rose and Jason had done for until she started telling me all my baby stories. How they actually wanted and cared for me unlike my real dad that abandoned us or my real mum that gave me up or adoption. As we were laughing, I stopped to think that I never told them that my real mother passed away 11 years ago, and that's when my smile wiped away. She held my hand, looked at me in the eyes and asked what was wrong. I didn't want to spoil her mood by telling her the rest of what really happened since she had a big smile on her face, so I smiled back, replied and gave her a hug. When I let go, a doctor came out the room and asked me to stay in the waiting room while Rose went inside the room. That was when Rose stuck her head out and told me to enter the room. The lady looked from Rose to me then rolling her eyes. She opens the door wider and I enter the room. I sat down on the chair in the corner, waited patiently and watched as the lady put the jelly on Rose's stomach. When she was about to be done, the lady stopped and told Rose that she was having twins. The lady asked us if we wanted to know the sex. I said yes, and she said no. she grinned and listened to Rose's answer. Once we were done and were in the car going home, I argued with Rose on why she didn't want to know their sex. When we got back home from also shopping, we opened the door and saw Jason with his arm around Anna as she snuggled up to him with her favourite blanket watching SpongeBob with Jerry next to her. We went to the kitchen and I dropped the groceries and went to Anna while Rose stayed behind putting everything away. I waved at Jason as I walked past the TV, sat next to Anna and gave her a big hug as Jerry moved and sat next to each other on the carpet. At the same time as I was about to let go, she looked like she was about to pass out. I asked if she was okay and she said yes, but she sounded really drowsy. Few minutes later Rose walked in the room and told everyone that she was having twins. Jason got up to hug her while Anna congratulated her from the couch as she switched positions and snuggled onto me. Rose came closer to us and checked on Anna's temperature. When she let go, she placed her hand on her arm and asked her if she was okay and she nodded. She quickly glanced at me, telling me to keep an eye on her before getting up and leaving the room.

30 minutes later Anna was fast asleep in my arms. I was about to doze off myself until I remembered my Spanish homework. Gently lifting Anna's head to put a pillow underneath, I slower laid her head on the pillow and quietly got up. I turned around, looked at Anna and decided to carry her to her room so that she could sleep in her bed and that she wouldn't feel very alone (with all the teddy bears she has). Finally, after I got her in bed and closed the door, I slouched to my room, closed the door and slid down it. Staring at my homework on my desk, I shifted my eyes to my bed then back to the desk. Once I decide, I groaned, got up and walked to my desk, looking at it one more time before turning around, falling on my bed and taking a nap. 4 hours later I woke up and looked out my window to see that the sun had set, and the moon was rising. I jumped up and checked my clock, which said it was 6:50pm. I got up, went to shower then went downstairs to eat supper. By 7:20, I had already finished my supper and was heading back upstairs to do my homework. When I looked up, I saw Anna standing on the top step with her teddy bear in her left hand and looking less pale and a little bit livelier. She asked me where I was going, and I told her I was going to finish my homework. After she asked me about what about supper and I communicated that I had already eaten. Finally, after that, I was walking up the steps and was at my door with my hand on the handle when she requested that I sit next to her for supper. I turned around and stared her, seeing how she looked health wise once again before nodding my head with a small smile. She grabbed my hand and we walked down the stairs to the kitchen and sitting room together. We sat down on the carpet in front of Rose and Jason and we watched TV as she ate supper and I drank juice. When we went back upstairs together, I took her to her room to sleep and went to my room to do my homework, and it worked well for the first 2 hours until I fell asleep on my books. Sunday morning, I woke up with a piece of paper stuck to my face when my alarm rang on my bedside desk at 8am. Closing my eyes again, I removed the piece of paper from my face, got up to turn my alarm off then went to shower. Once I got out the shower and went to my room again, I quickly changed and was doing my hair at my dressing table when my phone buzzed on my bed. I rolled back on the chair back to my bed and saw two missed calls and three messages from Nick, one long message from Hayley and Sara asking me to hangout. I stared at each phone call and read through all the messages before replying. Besides ignoring Hayley and Nick's message, I replied to Sara and we agreed on meeting up in the afternoon. The day went very slowly which was a big shock. From talking to Sara, I went downstairs to eat breakfast then came back upstairs to do my homework for an hour before getting bored and then after I listened to music. Three and a half hours later I left home and met up with Sara at the mall downtown in front of the food court. We ate lunch first before going shopping and ice-skating. Once we ordered our food, I looked down on my knees to my phone when Sara asked about my secret weekend. I shifted my head up towards her, then back onto my phone, placed my phone on the table pushing it to the side and shifted my head back to her and stared at her with both my arms on the table. "Becca I am not going to shout or judge you like Nick and maybe Hayley did. I just want to know why you had to lie and where you really went." She said. I rotated my eyes from left to right as she continued, "Rebecca you are one of my closest friends in the world and I really care about my friends and-" "Sara I get it okay. Look I know you really care about me and think of me as one of your closest friends and I am really flattered, and I feel the same way about you. It's just that somethings in life you don't want to share with anyone, but if you would really like to know, I went back to Hawaii by myself during that weekend." I explained to her, whilst I cut her sentence. She was about to ask another question, I could see it, until she saw my facial expression and dropped the topic and the table was in complete silence. Only after the food came was when she changed the subject of our conversation and it was no more awkward. After eating we walked around the mall window-shopping for thirty minutes then ice-skating for the rest of the day. By the time it was 5pm, we said our goodbyes and we went home. I arrived back home fifteen minutes later and went straight to my room to finish my homework. As soon as that was done, which took another 2 hours, I went to eat supper and watch TV for an hour or two then went back to my room and was getting ready to go to bed when I remembered I had an English assignment that I needed to hand in tomorrow. In the end I went to sleep 11pm.

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