Chapter 23

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For the first time in forever, everything was perfect and all four – well all three of my friends and Derek got along, that was until Wednesday. I don't know if it was something I ate or drank or did, all I know is that I brought up a new problem between us. All five of us were walking to our next lesson, which in my case was design with Derek. It was funny going to design seeing how Derek was one of the few guys that did it, and by that, I mean he was the fifth guy, of course it was also difficult nowadays since all girls found him hot. Besides all of that, there was still the problem of me and Derek not being friends. We kept our promise on faking to be friends in front of the others, but we never really got to the point where we talked about it. The warning bell rang, and we all said our goodbye and split, leaving Derek and I together whilst we walked to class. We did try to try by talking a little, but it didn't change anything. When we entered the classroom, both our heads shifted towards each other before heading to our seats. While I took my books from my bag, I heard the stool next to me squeak knowing that Cynthia was sitting next to me. Smiling, I put my last book on the table and turned to her, to find it not being Cynthia, but Derek. My smile wiped away as I rolled my eyes and looked in front. He leaned in closer and began to whisper, "Becca they're gonna notice eventually." Derek said. I told Derek that it wasn't the time to talk just as Mr Stagage walked in. before the lesson started, he checked on Derek to see if he was fitting in alright and if I was helping him out. Lesson past fast, or I wasn't focussing, but either way it was break. The both of us were walking to the door when Cynthia called. We both looked at her then at each other then split. I didn't like how she stared at me, with her sly smile. Before she spoke, I told her no and walked away leaving her with a quizzical expression.

Derek and I arrived at in the cafeteria second after Melody. We put on a fake smile as we walked to Melody. I sat down opposite them and was about to start eating when Derek kissed Melody on the cheek. I put my sandwich down as Derek sat down. Melody saw my taut look, so she placed her hand on top of mine and ask if I was okay, suddenly I put my fake smile back on, nodded my head and kept my head down. Soon after, Hayley and Nick joined us, both of them sitting beside me. It was nice to hear them all laughing and seeing them smile. Nick brought up my name in one topic and that was when people could say I snapped. He was about to tell what happened to me in a story when I lifted and turned my head to him telling him that that topic was something they didn't need to know and after that I felt every pair of eyes were locked to me, so I lowered my head again. Hayley nudged me and asked if was okay, trying to stay calm I told her tenser that I was fine. I kept my head down the entire break, only glancing up a few times. Lifting my head slightly up to see everyone, I heard Hayley say aww and saw Derek and Melody move apart from their kiss and that was when I retorted.

"Will you two stop it? Ever heard of PDA? Like seriously get a room." I spoke sharply, followed by me getting up and leaving the cafeteria. About to open the door, Derek quickly ran in front of me. I lowered my arm and told him to get out the way. He took a step closer and told me to explain. Watching each other's eyes shift from the one to the other. I looked away, pushed him aside, walked around him and left. After a few steps, the cafeteria doors opened, and Derek ran in front and stopped me again. This time I could tell he was getting mad. "Rebecca we're all getting along for the first time, something you have been wanting, so what did I do to you now?" when I looked away and didn't reply he carried on. "Rebecca, we agreed, fake it till we make it. We haven't fixed it cause you don't want to talk about it therefore we didn't make it so why did you have to break it?" when I refused to answer again, he took a step closer and spoke once more. "Becca you might get away with talking to other people like this, but you aren't gonna leave without giving me a reason why you lost it. Is this going to be like what happened the last time? Is it that time of the month? Are you jealous?" after he said that, I looked at him, "Woah, first of all it is none of your business whether it is or isn't anymore. Second there's nothing to be jealous of – we had our chance together." I explained. "Then what was the whole point of what happened in the cafeteria?" he grilled raising his voice. "I don't know okay! It just happened, now I'd say sorry, but I don't feel that way right now and you talking to me isn't making it better. We're done talking about this." I affirmed softly and walked away.

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