Chapter 8 and Chapter 9

Start from the beginning

3pm. Little girl ninjas running up and down, hitting me with their rubber weapons, hiding to jump out and attack me. Never will my sister have such a theme again. "Why couldn't you just be a normal 7-year-old girl that likes fairies and princess? Why did you have to choose violence?" I asked while two other little girls were pulling me down. "I do like princesses and fairies. I mean their ok, but I like TMNT more. They're funny and different." she commented with a smile then ran off. the two girls nearly brought me down until I told them, "okay you two, it's either you let go of me and play with the others or I will show you how a REAL ninja fights." they stared at each other and ran off, but most of my balance was on them, so when they had let me go, I fell face flat onto the floor. As I was getting up, I saw my sister's shoes, I looked up and saw her looking down at me with her hands crossed. I smiled at her hoping she won't do anything, "hey sis. Would you mind giving your sister a hand?" she started tapping her foot on the floor. "Why did you threaten my friends saying you would use karate on them? I do karate, you do volleyball and basketball." I got up, undusted myself and explained, "Anna, your friends are a danger. If you went through what I just went through, you yourself would also lie." "Do you know the difference between me and you?" she questioned. I looked at her and shook my head. "I actually do karate", she grabbed my hand, flipped me over and I landed on my back. Whilst I moaned, she left smiling so. "Ow! Great, I'm going to have to go to the hospital.

The rest on my weekend was boring, until Sunday afternoon. I was sort of watching Game Shakers and Scooby-doo with my sister, but she kept flipping once the episode had ended or during the show while our parents went out for their anniversary. I got up, pick up our empty glasses and went to the kitchen to refill and get two pieces of Anna's cake. My phone started to ring while I was still in the kitchen. Anna got up and checked if the number had a name, "REBECCA! Someone's calling?" she shouted. "Who is it?" I shouted back. "There's no name. Should I answer?" "No!" I ran to the sitting room and checked the dialer's number. I hadn't saved it or ever seen the number before. I picked up the phone and spoke. "Who is it?" Anna asked as she was pushing my arm down, so she could see. "I don't know", I looked at my phone, then at Anna. Lifting my eyes, I asked Anna if she knew the number, but she shook her head as well. "Okay, alright shh. I'm gonna to answer, but you have to make sure you don't talk." Anna kept pushing my hand down saying I must put it on speaker. I answered the call and heard a familiar, yet unrecognisable voice say hello. "Hi? Who is this?" he asked me if he could speak to Rebecca Peyton Hunter. "Speaking", "hey Rebecca, it's Sean." I was confused thinking where he got my number. "Hi Sean, this is Rebecca's sister Anna-Lizabeth, but people call me Anna for short." "Hi Anna." She smiled at me while I was busy thinking what angle she was playing at. "Hi. So, Sean first of all, where did you get this number? Second, how do you know her middle name? And third, do you like her, because she likes you, a lot. And I mean a- "I, I covered her mouth and tried to fix the mess. I put the phone off speaker and applied. He was laughing on the other side though. "So, how did you get my number and middle name" I asked trying to sound cool, he was still laughing though. "okay, I asked Hayley for your number and she gave It to me, you have an amazing friend by the way, and I looked you up on Instagram." my sister was busy screaming in my ear saying, "let me listen, let me listen", trying to grab my phone. I put my phone to my other ear and spoke, "Why did you want my number?" my voice turning into a soprano while I positioned my hand in front of my sister's mouth. "Did your voice just get higher?" he asked as he began to giggle. "No", I cough aside "no, it's still the same." he giggled then carried on with his comment towards the situation, "I just wanted to talk to you. Why? Does that sound creepy?" "NO!" I said quickly only to realize that I sounded eager. I fixed my tone then replied. "I mean no, it doesn't sound creepy at all. It's actually very sweet, thanks, but why me, out of all girls?" I realized I was starting to sound like I didn't want him to talk to me, "I mean you are popular and I'm so not." "I know, and that's why I wanted to talk to you. You seem really cool. You don't need to struggle with what everyone thinks of you. I always see you and your friends happy and smiling, having nothing to worry about. I think you're really cool. So, do you actually like me, or did your sister make that up?" I started to blush, or that's what my sister said. I told him to hold on as I ran to another room far away from Anna and talked to Sean for at least until my parents came back.

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