Pt:13 what a day

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Yesterday paddy finely ask me to be his girlfriend and when I say I'm happy about it I mean I was about to jump of a building for him happy, to be honest I would always do something like that for him, that reminds me of our first kiss. That sounds weird but we would practice kiss so that our first kiss with someone different was perfect and well mine and paddy's first kiss was on the roof of my house.
(Flash back)
"Paddy are you really making me climb up my roof to see some fireworks" i huffed not wanting to climb to my death.
"Come on Ella I know you will be happy when you see it from up here" he said with the biggest smile ever. "Fine.... You win" I got up and opened my window to the cold winter air. " well I always win with you don't I", " I actually hate you so much", " keep telling yourself that Ella and it might come true".
Paddy helped me onto the roof and we sat there in silence for about 5 minutes and it was nice and then the treehouse came to mind.
"Pads why aren't we in the treehouse like normal?".
"I thought we could try something different for us both being 12 and nearly 13"
"I can't wait in till we are both teenagers", " as long as you don't get all grumpy with me Ella then I can't wait either"
I punch him jokingly at what he had said. "shut up" I start to laugh and then we hear the countdown:
Paddy and I both look at each other and we both end up leaning in and man was that kiss amazing. That's when we decided we were going to be make out partners in till one of us were in a relationship. That's also when I realised I was in love with my best friend.
(End of flash back)
Today was my interview with James and I was so nervous as well as excited. The one thing going through my mind is, what if he asks about my crushes or is I have a boyfriend? I mean we haven't even told the boys or our family about us being together because we weren't public as we were only together yesterday.

Then I hear my name being shouted "please have a warm welcome to ........ Ella osterfield"
I walk out and my eyes go straight to paddy at the front of audience and I immediately have a massive smile on my face.
"Hi everybody"
"Ella I love you woooh"
"Why thank you I love you too guys"
*claps and cheer are heard*
"So Ella I've heard some rumours that you know Tom Holland"
"Umm I do actually but only because I have grown up with his youngest brother paddy, he's actually here tonight"
"Well paddy would you like to join us"
" no I don't really want to take all of Ella's spotlight because she has worked so hard on the new album"
"Aww thanks paddy but get your bum up here now"
*laughter abrupts*
Paddy walks up and sits next to you.
"So Ella who are these songs about"
"Oh umm well really this was about someone I had left to start my acting Career"
"Ok well is there someone new in your life that's a love interest"
Oh crap here's the question I've been dreading
"Well there is but we are not public yet so hopefully you guys will know soon"I say nervously
"Well can you say a few things about him to give us some hints"
Ok Ella be smart about this

Paddy's POV
I really want to tell everyone she's mine but we only got together yesterday and I want to tell my family first.
Then I hear Ella talking about what the "mystery guy" aka me.
"He is sweet and kind, I have known him for like my whole life and we have always been close and since a while ago I realised I still loved him but more than a friend should"
I then noticed that throughout that speech I had the biggest smile ever.
Oh no there going to find out please don't let them find out yet.
"Ok Ella and paddy that's all the time we have got today but I would love to have you back soon, well that's the late late show I'm your host James  Corden and have a lovely night"
Me and Ella walk off the stage and go to the dressing room.
"Did you mean what you said today" I said quitely
"Of course I did I have been in love with you since our first kiss on the roof on New Year's Eve" she says embarrassed
"Well I loved you just before that too, that's why I said that we should practice kiss on eachother, haha" we both laugh and then smile at eachother.

When we get back to the hotel we both cuddled up together watching Brookline 99 and fell asleep after 4 episodes. Tomorrow Ella is going to take me around nyc and I'm so excited because I have only been here a couple times but never really explored.

The one for me~ Paddy HollandWhere stories live. Discover now