(1) Always and Forever

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"One thousand years. That's how long I've been alive. Roughly one thousand years. Some would expect me to be monotonous at this point, but the 21st century has breathed new life in me. Gone are the dark ages and outdoor plumbing. Nowadays I can wear whatever I want, be whoever I want. All this freedom had me so excited, a new world to enjoy with my beloved brothers and sister. Instead, my oldest and younger brothers were killed by the village idiots who I can't get revenge on because my hypocritical brother will get pissed at me, probably more pissed than he was at Elena Gilbert for killing Kol in the first place! Not to leave out Finn, but honestly who cares about Finn? Clearly no one, I guess 'Always and Forever' is more finite than I thought, but what would I know huh? ....Now what did you call me for Elijah?" I finish my rant as I take a swig of whatever the bartender gave me as said human looked at me with both confusion and concern. Does privacy not exist with these people?

My stuffy brother took a long time to respond, but when he finally did he gave me his classic disappointed tone. "Talia, I am calling to inform you of our sister's latest obsession. I was hoping to have a discussion amongst the family, but as you remain stubborn in your desire to be consumed by darkness I suppose I'm foolish in thinking you would return to Mystic Falls." I hate that tone.

I downed the rest of my drink before signaling for another. I was gonna need all the alcohol in this shithole to get through this conversation for the 50th time, and as a plus it took the judgy bartender's attention off of me. "Elijah, I don't understand what's not clicking here. I'm. Not. Going. Back. To Mystic fucking Falls. Ever. As for our sister, Rebekah is smarter than you give her credit for. Her 'obsessions' keep her sane, so whatever she wants now please try being supportive for a change." My sister can be quite dramatic sometimes, but I will never stop defending her or try giving her whatever her heart desires. She deserves that much. I just wished our brothers felt the same way.

"Talia." His voice was harder this time. Ooooh, serious Elijah was layering more serious on top of his serious sundae! "It would be much easier to discuss these matters in person, but I guess you've left me with no choice in that matter. Rebekah is requesting the cure which is currently in my possession. I think you would agree this is far too important for her to decide on her own." Rebekah wants the cure? Can't say that's all too surprising, but how did it fall into Elijah's hands? "Now, I understand your grievances with returning, but I believe it's in your best interests to-" Oh, I wish I could slap him right now.

"My grievances? Just mine? Elijah, our brothers are dead! And not the daggered-in-the-chest-cause-Klaus-is-a-salty-asshole dead, they're gone! Never coming back, and you mean to tell me I grieve alone for them!" Yelling in a bar full of humans is probably not the smartest choice, but this can't be the strangest thing to happen in a hole like this.

"Sister," His voice has changed to be a lot softer, here we go. "We are all dealing with Finn and Kol in our own way, I never implied you were alone in that. What's important is that we stay together through our grief and heal. We made a vow." Here we fucking go. "Always and Forever." Damnit!

"What will help me heal is staying as far away from that damn town as possible, and when you all finally decide to vacate let me know, until then one of you better be dying the next time you call me. Oh, and could you give Rebekah my love and if she wants it the cure? Let her be happy for once. Thank you,  buh-bye!" And with that I hung up. Unbelievable, maybe I should tell him to call me because my brother seems to love doing the opposite of what I ask.

I slam down a few bills for the booze and stroll on outta this dump. Where I was going, I hadn't a clue.


"You're so muscly!" It's been about a week of peace and quiet, so I decided to have some fun with a pretty little human who caught my eyes.

"I know, makes it easier to do stuff like this." Suddenly, I had lifted her up completely. She squealed in surprise before breaking into giggles. Such a pretty face.

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