2- Lost the Passion.

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James' alarm blared through Louis' ears. The sound pounding into his already sore head from the night before, as his eyes blinked open, blearily. He watched James reach over and turn it off before he sat up, Louis doing the same. "'M gonna go and get ready, J." He said quietly, stretching his arms over his head as he got out of his brother's bed and made his way back to his own room slowly.

Hey, L. Wanted to check in on how your first day went
Missing you at JH, have a good day<333

He smiled softly at the text message waiting for him from earlier in the morning. He misses Katie, he realises. And he knows that he should go and see her but it's still so hard for him to talk to people that he doesn't see everyday, face to face contact is very different to text messages. He still manages to muster up the courage to tell her to meet him at their favourite restaurant, though, he knows all it will do is benefit him.

Missing you too, K
It was fine, killed me though
What about Leo's tomorrow? We can catch up <33

He placed his phone back onto his bed and went over to his wardrobe, getting his clothes together for the morning so that he could start getting ready. His body migrated itself to the bathroom, absentmindedly, and Louis found himself turning on the shower. As he scrubbed his hair clean, he remembered Niall telling him that he can wear his PE kit in today because he has that first, something about their teacher wanting them to have as much time to play as possible.

Louis looked at his legs in the mirror as he dried his body off and paid extra attention to the raised marks at his hips that he had cut last night. His fingers traced over the marks, causing a stinging sensation to travel across the opened skin below them. So he pulled the antiseptic cream out of the cupboard and gently rubbed it onto his cuts before he slid his boxers up his legs and then pulled his joggers over the top.

"Bad night, Lou?" His sister asked as she passed him in the hallway, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him into a comforting cuddle. She held onto the back of his head and scratched his scalp, the way he likes it, before pulling him back to look into his eyes. He nodded silently and latched his arms around her waist again, holding on for a few minutes, "I've got to get ready, bub. You do too, Li and I will drop you off today."

"See you after." He said quietly, going back into his room to pack his bag. Louis pulled his uniform out of his wardrobe too and placed it into his bag, as well as the jotters he had, still waiting to get a few from the classes he hadn't been to yet. He picked his glasses up from his bedside table too, not having the effort to wear his contacts in today.

Louis made his way downstairs, his hips slightly burning from last night still, and into the kitchen. He picked up a banana from the fruit bowl and got a glass of water before he sat down at the dining table, Liam next to him. "Glasses today, Lou?" He asked, a piece of toast hanging loosely from his mouth as he did his tie up.

"Yeah, can't be arsed with contacts." He sighed, getting his phone back out from his pocket and replying to Katie again.

"Again?" Liam asked, a sympathetic smile on his face as he got up to place his dishes in the dishwasher.

"Half one this morning." Louis said stiffly, getting up also to put his trainers on, passing Liam on his way to the stairs again. Liam pulled him into a short hug, patting his back and kissing his forehead before he sent him off with another pat to the back.

"You almost ready to go?" The man said as Louis started walking away, watching him nod as he got further from the kitchen.


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