Food Poisoning - BakuDeku (TW in the description)

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Bakudeku development relationship, roomates and aged up AU
Caretaker: Bakugo
Sick: Deku

Bakugo POV:
"Babe, hurry up let's get food." I yelled because I've been waiting 10 minutes for the nerd to finish getting ready. "Ok I'm done." I hear as he speed walks to me. I walk outside once he's done putting on he's red shoes.

Maybe I was wrong about him being quirkless before one for all, those shoes probably are he's quirk. Like how the fuck are they still in one piece and perfect condition.

"Ok so where are we going out to eat?" I ask "I found this place that's a 5 minute drive away." I nod and start driving.

~Time skip brought to you by "Waving through a window" by Ben Platt from the musical "dear Evan Hansen"~

Deku POV:
We enter the diner and take a seat we both go through the menu and end up each choosing something different. I ordered some of there daily special soup while Kacchan orders a simple sandwich. We sit there talking while waiting for food.

Once the food comes we thank the waiter and start eating the soup is a bit spicy which wasn't too surprising considering the soup itself was a surprise I literally just asked for the daily soup without knowing what type was.

Once we finish eating we go to the car and Kacchan begins driving again. We're about 2 minutes away when I hear my stomach make a sound luckily Kacchan didn't hear due to the loud noise made by the car.

Once we get home my stomach makes the worse pain I've ever felt and I've broken every single one of the bones in my arms and legs. Kacchan tells me he's going to take a nap. I feel a slight relief knowing he won't be awake for what I think I need to do.

I walk to the bathroom at a normal pace at first but then I feel a stabbing pain in my abdomen and start sprinting to the bathroom. I lock the door quickly and sit on the toilet. I'm prepared to go do my business as a normally do.

Oh boy was I wrong. I sat on the toilet and I feel a large burn come out my behind and all of a sudden it won't stop coming out.

My abdomen was in the worse pain and my behind felt like it was being torn to shreds. I slow down and think I'm done but as I'm about to get up more starts coming but this is far worse than before it burned every single muscle in my body was moving way too fast.

As I come back to the pain I can't help but letting out multiple whimpers.

Bakugo POV:
I wake up from my 30 minute nap and go to find Deku. As I'm walking around I hear a large painful whimper from the bathroom.

"Shit" I think to myself. I go and know on the door. "Babe are you ok in there?" "Y-yeah, don't wo-worry-y." "I can tell you're lying let me in your clearly not fine." "Ok, but it's really gross."

I don't care at this point if it's gross he sounds like he's in a lot of pain and that's my main concern. I hear the door unlock and I'm greeted with a very miserable looking boyfriend.

"Hi babe I'm so sorry" he says while whimpering. I see his current state and immediately worry. He's pale as a ghost, he's sweating so much that it looks like he took a shower, his face is all sorts of twister, he's sitting on the toilet and each of his limps are contracting.

I get the basic idea of what's happening but I want to know what hurts the most and more to see how I can help. "What hurts the most?" "Well honestly my behind and my stomach." "How long have you been here?" "Since you took a nap." "That's over 30 minutes. Did you take any meds?" "I did and nothing is working."

I'm about to ask something else but I'm interrupted by a large sound coming from the toilet. I wince at the sound of liquid pain coming our of him. I thought that was all but that noise kept happening. I look at Deku's face and he's pale as ghost and he looks like he's in so much pain. "Kacc-Kacchan, I think it might be food poisoning but this is t-the worse pain."

I look at him concerned for the poor boy who seems to really be struggling. "A-ah" I'm immediately brought out of my thoughts to a crying Deku. "Babe!?" He lets out a large whimper followed by a pained moan and sob.

Deku POV:
I feel an increasing pain in my abdomen from leaning forward and start to lean back. I can't hold it in

Bakugo's POV:
I watch as he leans back from his curled up position and starts trying to ease all the pain my rubbing his stomach. I sit down on the rim of the bathtub and pry his hand from his stomach to replace is with my own.

I start to rub his stomach and feel how bloated and tense it is. He leans into the touch and finally says "I think I'm done." I get up and leave letting him finish cleaning himself up.

"Kacchan can you h-help me a bit." I walk in to see him leaning against the wall seeming to hold together his thighs a lot. "Kacchan I'm really sorry but it hurts and I can't move." I lift him up bridal style and carry him to our room. I lay him down concerned about how tense he seems.

I sit him down on the bed and he winces as the bed touches his behind. I bring my hand up to cup his face. "Hey babe, how do you feel now?" "My stomach feels the same but I'm empty and can't relieve myself anymore. Kacchan I don't know what to do and it hurts."

I lay him down and spoon him from behind. I pull the blanket over us and put my hand slowly under his shirt. "Is this ok." "Yeah." Once I get the ok I put my hand under his shirt completely and begin to massage slightly. He's abs are still defined even in his bloated form. "A-ah" I hear him whimper as I massage around. "Deku, is there anything I can do to help?" "I don't know but my stomach feels better but every muscle still hurts including you know where." I trail my hands up to his shoulder and begin to massage. He slowly falls asleep. Once I feel him go limp I go back to rubbing his stomach.

Word count: 1137
Just so y'all know I don't have poo kink all the poo ones I make are jokes that I get to invested in writing. Also for the person who asked from the Todoroki and Dabi platonically. I'm having writers block for that chapter but I'm gonna be writing it.



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