Stomach issues -Todobaku (TW in the description)

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Sick: Todoroki

Caretaker: Bakugou

Todoroki P.O.V

I wake up to a pain in my lower abdomen. I realize I probably just need to go to the bathroom. As I attempt to stand up I see my boyfriend, Katsuki spooning me. If I need to do what I think I need to do. It would be preferable if he stays asleep.

I check the time and it's 3:47 AM. I really shouldn't wake up Kat he'd be all grumpy and I don't need that right now as the pain in my stomach grows.

I rush to the bathroom knowing very well I can't hold it in anymore. I pull my pants down to my knees and pray to get rid of the pain soon. God my stomach. This is some of the worse pain I've ever felt.

("Some" cause boiling water must feel pretty uncomfortable 😩🤚)

I keep trying to relive myself but nothing is happening. It's late so I'm already tired but now I'm concentrating all my energy into reliving myself of pain. I start to cry due to all the pain. I can't help but whimper from the immense burning I feel in my stomach. All of a sudden I hear foot steps. Shit.

Bakugou P.O.V

I start to realize I'm getting colder. I open my eyes to see my personal heater isn't with me. He's probably just in the bathroom. As I start to drift of a hear a whimper from the bathroom. I hope to god he isn't fucking jacking off in the fucking bathroom. But I then hear a small cry. I start to worry so I get out of bed to go check up on him.

Todoroki P.O.V

"Are you ok Sho" is all I hear Bakugou say on the other side of the door. Trying to save myself from embarrassment I say "I'm fine."
I don't hear him start walking away yet so I stay silent until he groggily mutters "You sure babe, I heard you crying." I cringe at the thought of him hearing me. "I'm fine I was just tired so I stubbed my toe."

Bakugou P.O.V

He says he just stubbed his toe but I don't believe that for a second. I'm tired of his excuses so I'm prepared to pick the lock but I soon find out he must of forgot to lock it. I walk in and see Todoroki on the toilet pants to his knees, his elbows rested on his thighs and his head buried in his hands.

I'm about to give him privacy because now I kinda feel guilty for walking in on my boyfriend taking a shit. Before I leave he looks up and I see his tear stained face. I was about to say something but was cut off with him saying "please, I don't know what to do it hurts so much" in a begging tone.

Todoroki P.O.V

After I first replied to Bakugou every thing started to hurt like hell but mainly my lower stomach. I don't know what to do and I'm so desperate. So before he leaves I beg for him to stay hoping in someway he could help ease the pain. I realized how selfish I was being, asking him to help me as I was doing something so disgusting.

"Never mind you probably think that's gros-" before I can finish I feel a warm hand be placed gently on my stomach. I lean into the touch. "Kat can you go down to my lower abdomen that's were it hurts most." He immediately goes down and starts rubbing as he sits down on the rime of the bathtub.

He pushes down a bit and I know what's about to happen. I felt the liquid pain leave my body. I thought my stomach hurt but maybe I would of been better off holding it in.

Now that Bakugou is here and awake I don't need to be afraid of waking him up. I let out a big whimper as I open my mouth. I start sobbing. The liquid coming out of me feels like its stabbing me inside out and simultaneously pouring lava in and out of me at the same time. Once I'm done I clean myself up. I get up only I immediately falling into the arms of Bakugou. I nuzzle into his chest trying to ignore the pain in my sensitive part. He squeezed me bit to comfort my sobs.

Bakugou P.O.V

I pick Sho up bridal style after assuming he's probably in a ton of pain after that considering his sobs. I lay him down on the bed and begin to spoon is. He still feels tense so I slowly put my hand back on his stomach.

He hums as I rub around. "How are you feeling now" I ask still worried due to the events of a couple minutes ago. "Everything still hurts like hell don't even get me started on the place where pain flowed out." I chuckle at the way he explained it.

"But it's better than being best friends with porcelain."

"Do you need anything?" "I don't know if you can do anything, it just hurts." I put my hand on his forehead "you're pretty hot". "Tell me about it" he said in a cocky tone. "Just try to get some rest you look exhausted we'll see what to do about it tomorrow.


A/N I hope you enjoyed I take requests so feel free to leave some. I'm pretty uncreative when it comes to topics so spare some ideas for clear skin

 I'm pretty uncreative when it comes to topics so spare some ideas for clear skin

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Word count: 862

Stan mole rats for silent farts

Also don't worry about me dropping this cause my wattpad hours are higher than rhe amount of children in my basement and that's saying something.

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