"Love! What a crazy notion you have."

He glared at one of the scar faced bodyguards behind him. The man stepped forward and dropped two heavy silver suitcases on my desk. He opened them and my jaw almost dropped to the floor. I had never seen so much money in my life.

Mr Paula dismissed the man with an arrogant flick of his hand. I stared up at him , my mouth still agape. He grinned in satisfaction and then l realised what he meant to do. I immediately closed my mouth and shot him an icy look. If he thought that l could be bought with money then he had another thing coming.

He produced some papers and pushed them towards me over the shiny oak desk. I knew what those papers meant even before l opened them. The grin on Mr Paula's face was replaced by a sarcastic look.

"I want you to sign those papers , take the money and leave the city right away," he ordered me in a stern voice.

I became curious of the papers so l took them up and scanned them. My face hardened as l registered the words in my mind. I couldn't believe the old man was trying to...

"By signing these papers , you are giving up your rights on the baby. You will never see my daughter nor my grandchild and you will never set foot in Rio for as long as you're alive. You will never try to claim the child or attempt to contact Silvia. You will never tell Silvia of our deal. You will have a clean break with her , without hurting her feelings and then whisk off. And oh another thing , if you value your life ,you will never think of trying to blackmail me for more money. What l am giving you is way more than you deserve. Just think of it as a fee for being a sperm donor to my daughter," he spat out the last words with an evil glint in his eyes.

I gritted my teeth as l tried to keep my anger in rein. How dare he try to buy me out of my daughter's life. I tilted my head to an arrogant angle and stared at him defiantly.

"What if l don't sign?," l challenged him.

His tongue made annoying clicking sounds. He came to stand right in front of me that our breaths were now fanning each other. We stood glaring at each other for a moment. It was nine in the morning and already he smelled of vodka.

"Then you will find yourself in deep shit, Mr Kassius."

He stepped back a little and laughed out loud. I stared at him in confusion. The man was really a psychopath. His lips curled into a smirk.

"Are you trying to raise your price boy by feigning reluctance. Trust me it's not gonna work. Many have pulled this stunt before but they never succeeded. Take my offer while it's still valid or else l will have you thrown out of the city without a single penny to your miserable life."

I teared the papers in front of his face. His face hardened more , if that was even possible. One of his bodyguards moved forward with a menacing look on his face but Mr Paula held up his hand and the man stopped in his tracks.

"You have made a very big mistake , young man. One you will surely live to regret."

"That baby is also mine and l have every right on earth to claim it."

"We will see about that but l promise you it won't be easy."

He angrily strode out of my office , his bodyguards following behind. I dropped on my chair and let out a helpless sigh.



I was still in my bed when Luis came in with a breakfast tray. I sat up straight and forced a smile. He sat the tray on the bedside table. It had a French toast , an omelette and a jug of fresh juice.

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