𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. Bonus Chapter

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3 years later

"SAM!!BUCKY!!!" You walked closer to the sound of someone breathing" Guys-" You stopped calling out their names when you saw Sam standing alone on the docks. There were candles lit across the dock, shining brightly through the dark sky.

Your eyes widened at the view of Sam wearing a tux, and smiled nervously. Tilting your head slightly you spoke up "I wasn't aware we had a date tonight?" you asked confusingly. He only chuckled and looked to the ground, before looking back up to you.

"Well, uh, this occasion is, um, meant to be a surprise" He stuttered with a grin. You smiled at his nervousness, and stepped closer to him, placing both you hand on his shoulders

"Well, I would've like to have dress up nicer for this mystery occasion" You replied, finally looking at your surroundings. "Did you do all this?"

"Buck helped- but, um-"

"What's going on Sam. This is the first time your nervous around me" You started getting worried. You didn't expect for Sam to slowly kneel down on one knee, and reach in his pocket, pulling out a small jewelry box.

"Y/n Barnes. I wish I could explain your eye, and how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies. How your smile makes my heart skip a beat, and how every time I'm with you, I feel so complete." You realized what Sam was about to do, when he opened the box, revealing an engagement ring

"Oh my god" you whispered under your breath

"I just want you to know, that when I picture myself happy, it's with you" He took the ring, and placed the box back in his pockets "Y/n Barnes...." He paused, and took a deep breath "Will you give me the pleasure, of marrying you" You stood in wide eyes, starring at the most beautiful ring, that the love of your life, was offering you.

"Yes" You whispered, a soft smile appearing on your face "Yes, yes yes!" you were smiling from ear to ear, accepting the ring that was place on you finger. You pulled him up, and placed a soft, yet passionate kiss on his lips. You hands went around his neck, while his were on your hips, pulling you closer.

When you pulled away, resting your forehead on his, you smiled even more if that was possible. "I'm guessing Sarah and James and a lot to do with this" You laughed along with Sam.

"My sister was begging for me to do this ever since our first date" he mentioned

"Ofcourse she did" You and Sam laughed and talked the rest of the night. Enjoying each others company. You knew the ring was going to be there for the rest of your life, so was Sam.

For better, or for worse...

A/n: Tysm for reading The Barnes Sibling. This was my first ever fan-fic I wrote and I'm so proud of it. If in the future there are more Marvel movies that include Sam Wilson as Anthon Mackie, I will continue this story.

Thank you so much!!!!

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