𝐱𝐱. Wilson

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elacroix, Louisiana

BUCKY AND YOU went to visit Sam in Louisiana to give him a package

you were talking to Sarah while Bucky went to help Sam with his boat situation

"How do you know Sam?" Sarah asked, you opened your mouth but didn't say anything

"Um....it's complicated" you responded

"Oh, so your the person on Sam's mind lately"

"What? no that's not-"

"I see it"

"You just met me, how could you already see me?" You questioned, before Sarah could respond a pipe from the boat started to leak

"Sam!" Sarah yelled running over to Bucky and Sam, you walked over to them when Sam tried to fix it

"Hi" Bucky greeted

"Hi" Sarah replied, You walked over to Sarah to was looking at your brother.

"Hold on, you're not doing it right" Bucky told Sam fixing it

"Why didn't you use your metal arm?" Sam questioned Bucky

"Well, I don't always think of it immediately. I'm right handed" Bucky answered

"Then why did you stop your fall down the train with your left?" You joked walking over to him "Sarah this is James, my brother"

"Hi, I'm Bucky"

"Sarah" She responded shyly

"Sarah..." Bucky repeated her name, you and Sam looked at each other rolling your eyes

"Buck don't flirt with my sister" Sam said

"You flirt with mine" Bucky answered, you scoffed before looking at Sarah again "Don't worry I give you full permission to flirt with him" you added walking away with her.

A LITTLE WHILE LATER Sam and Bucky are almost done fixing the boat when you join them

"Well I gotta catch our flight tomorrow" You informed

"get a hotel room for the night." Bucky added

"You're just gonna set me up like that, huh?" Sam said

"I don't wanna make it weird for your family"

"Just stay here, the people in this town are the most welcoming people in the world."

"Okay I get it, I mean you know, the people are nice" Bucky understood

"Okay but don't flirt with my sister"

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