𝐱𝐢𝐱. Captain America

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A FEW MINUTES LATER You, Sam and Bucky walked in a abandoned warehouse seeing John on his knees with the shield covering his face. John got up walking over to you

"Walker" Sam said

"You guys should see a medic, you don't look so good" Walker said

"Stop, Walker"

"What? You saw what happened you know what I had to do, I killed him because I had to! He killed Lemar!"

"He didn't kill Leamr, John. Don't go down that road, believe me it doesn't end well" Bucky spoke

"I'm not like you"

"Listen it was the heat of the battle okay? if you explain what happened they may consider your record. We don't want anyone else to get hurt" Sam looked at the blood dripping from the shield "John...You gotta give me the shield, man" he added, John looked at him before looking at Bucky and you

"Oh, so that's what this is. You almost got me."

"You made a mistake"

"You don't wanna do this"

"Yeah, we do" You said slowly running at John. He quickly ran towards You, Sam and Bucky fighting, John kicked Sam in his abdomen making him fall. It was only you and Bucky now.

John kicked him and than pushed the shield on him, you wrapped your elbow around him neck making him stop just long enough for Bucky grab the gun. John kicked the gun out of his hands making you fall, John was about to Bucky with the shield when Sam got up and kicked it.

John tried to hit Sam with it when Bucky got up and punched the shield with his vibranium arm, you got up to see that Sam was on the ground and Bucky was constantly punching the shield with his metal arm.

John pushed Bucky then threw his shield at him sending his into a wall, John fought Sam and you until they were both on the ground. He ran to get his shield and saw Bucky get up to fight again, John was pushing Bucky deeper in the wall

"Why are you making me do this?" John questioned throwing Bucky into an electricity pole where he fell unconscious, Sam then got up while you ran to Bucky to see if he was okay. Sam flew to John until he grabbed Sam pushing him to the floor.

John pushed the shield onto Sam's chest until you kicked him off of Sam,

"This isn't you John" Sam stated

"We could've been a team" John reminded him running towards you and Sam. Sam flew while you ran, Sam grabbed the shield dragging him across the room until John gripped on to something stopping Sam. You ran to Sam helping him pull the shield out of his hands, even with your help John still managed to pull back sending Sam to the ground and you on top him, you rolled off of Sam. Sam and you saw the shield on the ground so you ran to it, Sam followed.

You were so clos to grabbing it when John pushed you and Sam out of the way, John pushed into a wall before getting a grip on Sam's neck. He flew up only to be sent back down

"I am Captain America!" John yelled pulling Sam's flacon wigs off of his back. He grabbed his shield about to hit Sam with it until Bucky jumped on him pushing him off, John got up to fight Bucky again. You were groaning in pain watching Bucky and John fight, Sam was still on the ground so you got up seeing the shield inches away from Bucky's face.

You punched John in the face getting him off of Bucky, you tried to get the shield out of John hand. You and Bucky both tried hard. John face went red at the sound of his arm breaking, You had the shield in your hands.

"It's mine" John said as he saw Sam get up

"It's over John" Sam informed, you gave the shield to Sam

"Its mine!" he yelled running to Sam, Bucky punched him and grabbed his legs. He ran to Sam who threw the shield at John.

Sam, Bucky and John were on the ground. You took the shield looking at it before dropping it next to Sam, he looked at you from the ground with a confused face. You grabbed Bucky by the arm helping him up and walking out of the warehouse. You took one more look seeing Sam holding the shield wiping off the blood, you smirked walking out.

"THE GRC IS conduction raids to try and find Karli, but so far they've only found her followers. They've searched this camp, and just like the last camp, nothing" Sam informed, Bucky couldn't get his eyes off the shield that was in front of him. "She's gone, we'll never find her"

"Hey uh you got your sleeve back" Torres joked walking in the room, Bucky walked out.

"Are you off to take care of Zemo?" Sam questioned Bucky on his way out

"he knows where to find him" You informed getting up to follow him

"Okay well, good to know you survived!" Torres thanked

"What's our next steps Torres?" Sam asked


ZEMO WAS STARING AT a statue when Bucky and you walked up to him

"I thought you'd be here sooner" Zemo looked down "Don't worry, I've decided I'm not going to kill you both"

"Imagine our relief" Bucky said grabbing a gun, Zemo walked closer to Bucky

"The girl has been radicalized beyond salvation. I warned Sam, but he didn't listen to me. He's as stubborn as Steve Rogers before him. But you.....They literally programmed you to kill. James, do what needs to be done, Karli has people everywhere and there's only one way to make sure she cannot continue her mission"

"I appreciate the advice, but we're gonna do it our own way." Bucky said, Zemo chuckled

"Yeah, I was afraid you would say that." Zemo admitted watching Bucky put the gun to his head. He put his hand on the trigger, Zemo nodded.

When Bucky pulled the trigger no bullets came out, Bucky lowered the gun. He looked at you before dropping all the bullets in his hand, The Dora Milaje came came out of the shadows standing behind Zemo

"Ladies, I took the liberty of crossing off y name in your book. I hold no grudges for what you thought you had to do" Zemo said, Bucky nodded "Goodbye James and Y/n" He added walking away with two Dora Milaje

"We will take him to the raft, where he will live out his days. It would be prudent to make yourself scarce in Wakanda for the time being, White Wolf." Ayo said

"Fair enough" Bucky answered watching Ayo walk away "Hey, I have another favor to ask you"

The Barnes Siblings [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora