𝐱𝐱𝐢. Stars and Stripes

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T WAS THE MIDDLE of the night when your phone rang, you answered

"Seriously, its 2 am" You answered

"I thought you said you didn't sleep"

"I did, did I?" You got stood up to walk over to Bucky, "It's time" Bucky nodded "We'll be there in an hour"

"I'll send you the location" Sam informed, hanging up the phone.

New York

"I'M ALMOST THERE" Sam said over coms

"And you told us not to be late" You whispered walking next to Bucky

"What's the plan?" Bucky questioned

"Karli's gotta be close, keep your eye's open"

"Well, it could be anybody" Bucky explained

"And by the way, I called some backup" Sam informed

A man walked up to Bucky saying

"Excuse me sir, are you supposed to be here" The man pulled off the tech on her face revealing Sharon "It's me"

"Sharon what the hell are you doing here?"

"Relax, no one's looking for me here"

"Is that Sharon?"

"Unfortunately" Bucky responded

"Hey Sam, I thought I'd get the band back together"

"Thank you, you're risking a lot coming here"

"I hear pardons aren't all they're cracked up to be"

"Depends on the therapist"

"They'll move on the building soon, be ready" Sam said flying over the building and going through a window "Y/, Bucky, what's on your end?"

"Nothing all quiet" Bucky answered

"No one's moving toward the building" You informed

"Karli's not coming in, she's trying to force everybody out" Sam said fighting a flag smasher "You guys are gonna have to do something. Don't let them out of the building" Sam added

Bucky, Sharon and You walked through a metal detector, the alarm went on when Bucky went through

"Oops" Sharon joked

"Here's one of them, I'll get the evac" Bucky informed walking away

"I'm coming with you" You replied following Bucky, he went to the second floor where you saw a woman on the phone

"Mr. and Ms. Barnes, it's Karli" The woman said handing him the phone

"Karli?" Bucky said

"Aren't you tired of fighting for the wrong side?" Karli questioned

"I've done this before kid, I know how it ends."

"It doesn't matter if I don't survive this, I'm fighting for something bigger than myself. With all the bodies you've collected have you been able to say the same?"

"You don't think I ever fought for something bigger than myself? That's all I ever tried to do, and I failed twice."

"You think your cause justifies all this death, but in the end the nightmares won't go away. You're gonna remember all the ones you killed. Trust me. Don't do this. Don't go down this path" you said

"If that's how you feel you guys should sit this one out"

"Come on, you know we aren't gonna do that"

"Well thank you, I'm glad you took my call. You've been a big help" Karli finished hanging up the phone

"Damn it!" Bucky yelled running back, You decided to follow, Bucky ran out of the building and got on a motorcycle, you got on one too

"Well that's one down" Sharon said

"How'd you manage that?" Sam questioned

"Mercury vapor, amongst other things" Sharon walked out of the building "You better speed thigs up, choppers about to take off"

Sam was fighting when he yelled "Bucky!"

"I don't fly man, that's you're thing" Bucky answered going faster. You and Bucky drove to where the hostages were, you saw Karli there inside the vehicle. You and Bucky both jumped off your motorcycles throwing yourselves at three Flag smashers that were guarding.

Bucky and you were fighting three flag smashers together, until You saw the vehicle light on fire.

"Go! I'll deal with them" You said fighting more flag smashers. Bucky tried to open the door but it didn't. A few seconds later John shows up with his old Captain America suit and shield, you're still fighting flag smashers when Bucky frees the hostages.

"You need help?" Bucky asked

"Your a little to late to ask" You said defeating the last one, you both looked at John who was failing miserably. Bucky threw a metal pole at one on the flag smashers on top of John and kicked him, Karli was about to hit Bucky with a metal pole when you push her out of the way

"You're welcome" You said

Bucky was now fighting Karli while you fought other flag smashers. You heard Bucky scream so you went to the ledge to see Bucky had landed, a sign of relief. A flag smasher jumped down to Bucky with the metal pole, Bucky stopped it.

John was still fighting three flag smashers when Karli got in the vehicle driving the hostages away. You went to look for Sam when you saw the vehicle with the hostages falling, you were ready to stop it from hitting the ground when John started to pull the vehicle up again.

Bucky soon came to you seeing what you saw, John was struggling when flag smashers came from behind him trying to stop him. The flag smasher eventually got John off the vehicle which made him fall to the lower surface where You and Bucky were.

The car was about to fall when Sam caught it, he was wearing a Blue, red and white suit with stars and stripes. Sam was struggling at first until he had the help of redwing helping him push the vehicle back up to try and preventing it from falling again.

You smiled when you saw he had succeeded, the crowd was cheering at him. Sam smiled when he saw you smiling at him. Sam broke off the lock on the door allowing the hostages out.

He was the new Captain America

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