"Fuck, its him again" jungkook rolled his eyes finding once again himself with this kid. He was getting very annoyed by it, he doesn't want to see him again but something makes them end up in the same place each time. The hybrid doesn't need to get involved with Jungkook's business, it will only get him killed. The hybrid was innocent and he didn't need to die. Jungkook may kill people and be in the mafia but he doesn't just kill innocent people. He would beat them up if they pissed him off. but as long as you don't do something wrong, Jungkook will leave you alone. "kid stop whining, why are you here"

"It's hot..s-stay away" taehyung mumbled softly as he panted, feeling uncomfortable trying to hide himself in the wall and at the same time scared of this man. Jungkook looked at the boy, he now realised the hybrid must be starting his heat. He also knew that those heats without any help would be painful for the hybrid. But Jungkook doesn't want to just use the boy just because he was in heat. Jungkook may be doing bad things as a job but he wasn't a bad person like that.

Jungkook looked at the boy who was looking very weak. if he would stay here he would surely get used. "Whatever" jungkook muttered walking away leaving this alley he began to hate for the nth time.

Taehyung was hot and cold at the same time. his body was hot but the wall and the ground were cold. there was no sun in the alley. He let out a shaky breath and moved to a more comfortable position and flapped with his shirt to give himself some refreshing air. This was probably one of the few things he hated from not having an owner. He didn't get to have help going through his heats. He just had to wait on his own. the only thing he could do was hump if it got that bad. He always made sure to hide himself somewhere and try to keep his scent from escaping his hiding spot but today it came so unexpected. He was just heading to the park to do something when his heat kicked in and he had to sit down. He didn't know what had caused his heat to suddenly jump in like that. Was it maybe a reaction? or did he forget to count the days? no that couldn't be it because taehyung counted the days and his head should come next week, not now.

"S-so hot.....ow" taehyung clutched his belly curling in a ball feeling a painful sting through his body. his limbs felt like jelly. Suddenly he saw a pair of feet in front of him. The person dropped something, it looked like a small white box. "o-oh?"

"take them" It was Jungkook, the raven looked down on the hybrid refusing to kneel down and hand it to him, the alley was too dirty for his liking. He didn't want his coat to get dirty, he just washed it. His dark eyes watched taehyung push himself in a sitting position his face was flushed not form embarrassment but from the heat. He clearly looked a bit scared of the raven but his heat was more bothering him at the moment so he didn't try to run. Taehyung grabbed the small box seeing they were medications. Hybrid heat medication to be specific.

"f-for me?'' Taehyung asked, looking up. Jungkook gave a single nod not smiling or anything, why should he even. "thank you....." taehyung looked at the back trying to read it. he wasn't sure how to take them, but he couldn't really read it. his reading skills were not good. "Water.....for...male hybrids.....t..two" he frowned, not sure what all those other words meant. Jungkook sighed and snatched the box from his hands looking at the back.

"Male hybrids first week of heat two pills, second week one. Take with water" jungkook read and dropped the box again. He reached in his bag which he was carrying, taking out an already used water bottle and dropping it on the ground as well. "Water, keep it"

"T-thank you" taehyung said and took the pills like jungkook instructed him to. he then just sat there. "Why did you give me these?"

"You will attract bad attention," Jungkook said.

"oh.." Taehyung thought the raven might have felt a bit bad for him and wanted to help but guess he was wrong. He looked down and his stomach growled. now no longer taken over by the heat his hunger came back.

"You hungry?"

taehyung nodded.

"Don't you eat?"

"i don't find enough...food"

"Come" Jungkook said, nudging his head. "i will get you some food"

"really?!" Taehyung's eyes widened looking at the man that was first so mean and hurt him was now giving him medicine and offering to give him food too.

"Yes, now get up. i don't have all day" jungkook said, already walking away taehyung quickly got up taking the water bottle and medication with him holding them in his hand. His dirty white ears forward in excitement. Suddenly Jungkook halted looking back at the hybrid. "You still smell" he looked around and removed his coat then took off his jacket and threw it over the boy's head who was just confused. He didn't see anything anymore and removed the jacket from his head looking at the raven puzzled.


"Put it on, your scent is strong. and i don't want you to look like a homeless beggar" Jungkook said, putting his coat back on and heading for the first store he could get food from. which was just a casual family market on the corner. Taehyung followed the man making sure to stay close as his big eyes looked around the store. Seeing all kinds of delicious food and drinks.

"oooh!" he said, his eyes widening even more as he touched the glass where cupcakes were displayed. "So colorful!"

"Kid, don't touch things," Jungkook said, seeing the hybrid's dirty fingers touch the glass and the handles. Taehyung pouted and walked to the man, he didn't feel so scared anymore. Jungkook was acting nicer than before and wasn't hurting him. Jungkook looked in the shelf which had pre-made sandwiches taking out one chicken and a veggie one. With his products he went to the counter and paid the lady. "Here '' Jungkook said, handing it to the boy once they were outside. Taehyung smiled at the raven accepting the food.

"thank you a lot, mister!" Taehyung said suddenly, all happy. Jungkook looked at the hybrid without getting the sudden change. The hybrid didn't seem scared at all anymore. Did he forget or was he just stupid? "Can I eat it?"

"What else are you gonna do with it? build a house?" Jungkook said sarcastically with a frown.

"sorry..." Taehyung said and struggled to open the package while holding the water, medication and the sandwiches. Jungkook sighed and took the meds and water from the hybrid so he had his hands free.

"jeez, are you dumb?"

"eh?" Taehyung said, confused as he chomped his sandwich hungrily.

"Nevermind" Jungkook said and looked away. "give my jacket back i got to go"

"oh, of course" taehyung put down the sandwich on the ground making jungkook frown.

"Why do you place your food on the dirty ground?"

"i always do that"

"aish, for fucks sake, don't you know anything?" Jungkook said a bit loudly, making Taehyung flinch and drop the jacket he was handing to the raven. Jungkook took a deep breath seeing his jacket on the ground and bent down to pick it up, wiping the sand and things off the fabric. He had to hold himself in to now lash out on the boy.

"Im sorry mister, i didn't mean to"

"Just eat and go. don't forget to take your medication '' Jungkook said, handing the water and the meds back to the boy. but seeing his hands were full he put them in the back pocket of the boy's pants.

"oh i have pickets?!" Taehyung said shocked he didn't know he had them.

"you didn't know?....you know what, i'm leaving. bye" jungkook couldn't deal with it any longer and turned around and walked away. thinking about the boy's actions. He already spent too long with him, and now he knew the boy somewhat. He had spent more time with him than he had planned to. Jungkook just couldn't stop himself, he was actually interested. But he shut down their time before he would get to know too much. he doesn't want to get to know him.


 i am very excited for this story to get to the middle where things will get so fun! waaah. also thank you all for your interest and support so far, im happy you are reading it! 

I will se you in the next update ^^

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