The Ounces of Time

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Previously at The One behind the mask:
Taraji was laying on the floor, fighting consciousness..a person arrived to save her from the evil intentions of Byron.. But the question is who was that person?
Back to the story:
???: Hey.. wake up... Stay with me!!.
(The door suddenly swung open it was terrence)
Terrence: Cel? What happened? Is she ok?
Marcell: I don't know T.. I just arrived and saw her crying on the floor with this crazy fool trying to touch her...(he points to Byron which by the way starting to gain conscience)
Byron: ughhh... (Rubs the back of his neck)
Terrence: you son of a bitch!!!! How dare try to touch my woman!! I trusted yo ass... I had yo damn back Everytime and this how you repay me...f***** bastard.... Above all people my own f****** best friend betrayed me!!!

(He continues to beat the holy hell outta him until Taraji stop him by wrapping her hands on his waist)Taraji: Baby stop!!😭😭😭😭

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(He continues to beat the holy hell outta him until Taraji stop him by wrapping her hands on his waist)
Taraji: Baby stop!!😭😭😭😭.. stop it!! Please stop😭😭😭😭
(He stop and he look at her and she cups his face and wipes his tears away..)

Taraji: stop

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Taraji: stop..
Terrence: cel..
Marcell: yeah..
Terrence: can you take you mom upstairs pls.
Taraji: wait what are you doing?
Terrence: cleaning up the trash.. hey dont worry I'll stop ok..
(Marcell took his mother upstairs leaving terrence with a bloody Byron)
Terrence: get up!! I said get up!!!
(He gets up)
Terrence: get out of my house and out of my life..
Byron: look t..
Terrence: I said out!! Dont f***** come back in my life.. your dead to me..
(Byron left limping and cover with blood.. terrence went upstairs to clean himself up.. when he arrived at Taraji's room he saw Marcell comforting his mom.. he thought that was the most beautiful scenery he ever scene.. he felt lucky but his thoughts were shifted by what happened on the restaurant.. Marcell saw him standing by the door so he excuse himself to give them time to talk)
Marcell: I'll be in the other room
(He left.. terrence went immediately to the bathroom to clean his bruised arms he was followed by Taraji)
Taraji: are you ok?
Terrence: honestly I don't know.. I--- it's all my fault 😢 I should've never leave you here...I--- Should've never leave you 😭😭😭(he broke down crying on the floor which Taraji comforted him)

I--- Should've never leave you 😭😭😭(he broke down crying on the floor which Taraji comforted him)

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