Silent Treatment (part 2)

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Terrence woke up a lil bit wozzy, he sat up on the side of the bed wearing only his wife beater and his boxers.He rubs his eyes to clear his vision and saw a glass of water, a white pill and a note that says ' For your headache'.. he obeyed and drank it. Then he gets up and started to roam the room but he saw no one, the only things he saw was a breakfast burrito on the table and another note that says 'Breakfast'.

He took it and sat on the chair, he thought "where is everyone?" He checked the clock and it was already 7:30amTerrence: shit I'm late(He gets up and started to gather his things which he found on the table all folded up with his keys)Terrence: oh...

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He took it and sat on the chair, he thought "where is everyone?" He checked the clock and it was already 7:30am
Terrence: shit I'm late
(He gets up and started to gather his things which he found on the table all folded up with his keys)
Terrence: ohhh here's my keys.. hahahaha
(He folded neatly the bed and exited the room, he went to his own and got ready for work)

(At set)
( Terrence arrived and directly went to Jussie's trailer.. upon his arrival he saw him and Taraji drinking coffee and rehearsing. He sat down in the end of the couch where Taraji sat on the other end)
Jussie: Morning Poppa T.. so how did the date go?
Terrence: date? More like a solo party
Jussie: whatchu mean?(Jussie questions, while Taraji listens but her eyes still glued to her script)
Terrence: she took me to a club last night, we had lil drinks but I wasn't just having that party vibe last night so I took her home.
Jussie: ohhh.. hahahaha I heard you got pretty drunk last night and didn't make it to yo room, so where did you sleep?
Terrence: well?(looks at Taraji)
Taraji: tskk🙄🙄🙄
Jussie: oh my freaking God!! Hahahahaha. Above all people hahahaha I thought you two still mad at each other. Why did took him in Momma T?
Taraji: (sighs) clearly I had no choice last night.
Terrence: no choice?
Taraji: yeah..I had no choice coz your dumb, heavy drunk ass literally fell on me.. do you know how heavy yo damn body is, it took me almost 10mins to get myself off you..
Jussie: holy shit.. then what happened, did you to snuggle 🤭🤣🤣?
Taraji: no dumb ass.. not in a million years.. what happened next is a drag his dead weight body off the floor to my bed... Have you noticed this giant bags under my eyes.. clearly I haven't got any sleep last night coz of Tractor mouth over here..
Terrence: tractor really..
Jussie: u know my room was just beside her.. u should've sleepover on my place..
Terrence: I didn't know that
Taraji: yeah right? And u knew mine? Wow what a surprise.. u should've slept on yo date's room🙄🙄🙄.. let's go Jussie..
Jussie: ohhhh... She----
Taraji: Jussie!!!!
(The three of them went to set silently. When they arrive everyone was looking at them giggling and stuff)
Terrence: what going on?
Yazz: yo Poppa T.. you sly dog.. hahahaha
Terrence: whatchu mean?
Nia: hahaha didn't you remember leaving me this?(she pointed at her neck.. Terrence was beyond surprised to see a small hickey on it..)
Taraji: I think I left my hair tie on yo trailer I'll be right back(walks off)
Jussie: she jealous..hahahaha🤭🤭
Terrence: yeah right..
Jussie: come on Poppa T, look at her hair it's all tied with her hair tie.. she just basically looking for a way not to show her jealousy..
Terrence: maybe🤔🤭.. look dude I didn't do nothin to her last night.. she just probably made that up.. I swear mayne I didn't lay a finger on her..
(Taraji return and all prepared for the next scene which is the part where Cookie and Jamal saw Lucious and Gulliana kissing)
Lee: and action!!
(At Lucious' office, cookie and Jamal are on there way to talk to Lucious about Jamal's album. Cookie opens the door and saw Gulliana on Lucious' lap and they were kissing)

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