The Lucious in me

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A/N: We all know Taraji said(in real life) in some interview that Cookie takes a toll on her and sometimes she slips outta her unexpectedly.. the question is, Does it do the same on Terrence's side? Does Lucious' character lives in him too?

It's a cloudy morning at Chicago and like any other busy city people don't get much sleep due to working early..

It's a cloudy morning at Chicago and like any other busy city people don't get much sleep due to working early

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(meanwhile on Taraji's hotel room. Taraji was woken up due to some what lil nightmares she been having bout her father.. she eventually felt someone's heat behind she thought to herself "Mayne Jussie is such a suck up he couldn't even sleep on the couch alone" so she slowly turn to face him but was all surprised to see the wrong guy.. "Dashon!! How the f*** did he get here last time I checked he was on the floor" she yelled through her mind.. tryna get off his heated touch she pushes him a bit but eventually got yanked back again to his touch.. she looked around to check the time and it was just 5 in the morning.
Terrence: go back to sleep(grunts).. we'll deal this in the morning
Taraji: you won't make it till morning..(starts to shut her eyes)
Terrence: shhhh🤫🤫 (starts to hummed "You're so beautiful")
(Eventually both of them went back to sleep)

(starts to shut her eyes)Terrence: shhhh🤫🤫 (starts to hummed "You're so beautiful")(Eventually both of them went back to sleep)

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(7:35 in the morning)
Jussie: hey hey.. momma T (shaking Taraji)
Taraji: hmmm.. what-- what?
Jussie: don't you think it's time to get dressed to go to work?
Taraji: what? It's too early.. go back to sleep..
Jussie: it's already 7:35.. and you promise Lee you'll be early.. come on don't get too comfy with Poppa T... I want some coffee..
Taraji: fineee.. help me first.. get me off him..
(So Jussie grab a pillow to replace taraji.. and they slowly moved his arms.. )
Taraji: shhh.. be gently we dont want him yanking me back again..
Jussie: damn he got you on some tight grip.. hurry.. get out while I put this pillow..(Terrence begans to mumbles on his sleep)
Terrence: Baby I said we'll deal this in the morning.. don't make me go all nasty fo yo..
Jussie: damn he's even freakier in his sleep.. come on let's get some Starbucks..
(So they change and went to Starbucks)

(At Starbucks)
Melvin: hey welcome to starb--- hey Raji it's you.. haha waking bright and early are we?
Taraji: yeah.. Queens gotta work.. btw I'll take 3 large macchiato and some choco muffins to go..
Melvin: 3 macc and muff coming right up..
Jussie: you know that dude?
Taraji: yeah that's Melvin..
Jussie: Melvin like the 3❤️ dude?
Taraji: yeah..he--
Melvin: here you go... Ohh hi I'm Melvin.. Jussie right?
Jussie: ahh yeah.. nice to finally meet you man...
Taraji: oh wait I gotta go to the bathroom.. wait here Juss..(rans to bathroom)
Jussie: so.. ummm how long did you two meet?
Melvin: not long.. I just met her last couple of days..
Jussie: righhht.. umm don't mind me asking.. are you to have a thing or something?
Melvin: well.. it depends on yo perspective.. but don't get it twisted.. I only go for beef😉😉😉..
Jussie: wait what?? Tou---
Taraji: I'm back.. let's go Jussie.  Thanx melvz see you later..
Melvin: byeee to the both of y'all..
(So they went up through an elevator.. but Jussie keep wondering what Melvin meant by his statement.. " was he for real?"..)
Taraji: so whatchu think?
Jussie: of what?
Taraji: you know Melvin..
Jussie: Ummmm..  I don't know...
Taraji: whatchu mean? Did he already told you he was-- u know... Hey imma need you to keep me a promise ok?
Jussie: what?
Taraji: don't tell that old man ok? Coz I don't want him going all Lucious on me ok?
Jussie: whatchu mean?
Taraji: u know how he is sometimes.. he gets a lil overprotective specially on them people he cares..
Jussie: when you say them 'people' you meant yourself right?
Taraji: no.. well sorta.. it's just.  U know it's something you'll get used to when you hang out with him.. I mean it's just been hard for him this couple of months you know.. them bs news, divorce stuff.. that's why I mighta kinda sorta made a few tweaks on them papers..
Jussie: tweaks..? Wait did you---
(The elevator door open and on the other side was Terrence all dress up ready for work)
Terrence: where did you guys go?(he enters the elevator)
Taraji: isn't it obvious that we went to get some coffee..(hands him his coffee and walk/stand next to Jussie.. as they patiently waits for the door to reach level 25 they talked of certain things)

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