Chapter 4. Breaking into the Brothal.

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Jenny sat in the room in the basement looking at her journal while Ansel is at the Brothal investigating. She didnt know what to write in her journal at first but then she got an Idea what to write in it.

She began to write at the first page as if she were writing to Ryan and the others with a smile on her face. " Dear everyone back home,

Its strange to hear from a person who is long dead and buried in the ground right now. I know what you are thinking as you are reading this, Has Jenny turned into a zombie?! I am not eating brains or humans so you dont have to worry.

I have been traveling to other places and right now I am in a City called Ravenmane, It isnt so pleasant because it is filled with so much crime and danger.

Yes, I can hear Ryan want to arrest every single one commiting crime right now." She then giggled at the thought of it before she continued to write.

" And I intend to do something about it, I have Ansel investigating one of the Brothals right now. Who is Ansel you ask? Ansel is a new friend I saved in Livroth, Its a long story that I rather not write to you about."

She stopped for a secound before writing once again. " I really wish I was with you right now, and not here saving other worlds like Ashley Star from the amazing Wonder Comics I love to read so much as a kid.

It isnt like in the comics that the heroin always saves the day while the bad guy throws a massive tantrum.

there are people who wish me dead and out of their way. so they can continue making people's lives misreble and awful, I dont want to go into much detail about it.

Again I wish I was home with you guys, watching movies with Ryan and Ben. Listend to Mom and Dad ask me how was school and so on. I do hope Tyler gets what he deserves to make me fall off that bridge and got hit by a bloody turck. No, I dont blame the driver for my death

I only put that blame on Merash for making that poor man feel guilty for something he hadnt controll over. Like when I was chosen by some Goddess who goes by the name Mederoa and I still dont know why she chose me?

Do me a favor for me while I am off dealing with Wicked people who turns people into monsters. tell Tyler that I haunt him if he dosent put flowers on my grave and say he's sorry a thousand times. I wish you all a good day or night and that you all be safe,

From your one and only Jenny Blackash..." As soon as she finished writing she heard the door open and saw Ansel enter inside with a serious look on his face and said to him.

" How was it? did you find anything out of place in there?" Ansel closed the door behind him and said to her as he walked over the bed. " Awful... and yes, I found something that was suspicious in that place."

Jenny closed her journal and said to him. " Good thing I wasnt going there myself, What did you find?" Ansel looked at her and said with a serious look on his face.

" While I was there there was this human girl that was... sick and threw up some black inky stuff on the floor, and takend to a black door with a red heart on it and never came back out." 

Jenny looked at him and said with a curious look on her face. " Never came back out? Interesting... So how long are they open?"

Ansel thought for a momment and said to her. " I think they are open until three  in the after noon..." Jenny got up from the chair and said to him with a serious look on her face.

" Then we sneak inn when they are closing and find out what's behind that door." Ansel looked at her and said with a calm look on his face. " How do we get inside without being seen?"

Jenny Blackash in RavenmaneWhere stories live. Discover now