Chapter 5. Flesh Eaters.

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Back at the house the little girl was takend to Susann's room to get a change of cloths and clean herself. while Jenny and Ansel told Josh what they had witnessed in that room in the Brothal his reaction was of pure disgust and hatered.

Josh was glad that they had saved his daughter or else she would be ended up like those poor souls who was cut open. Jenny saw the look on his face and imagend her father having the same look if he was here right now.

But the most important thing on her mind was to top Veronica and make sure no one in his world suffers ever again. but she needed help and to do that she needed to ask Josh a favor.

" Josh, can you do me and Ansel a favor? could you tell us where Veronica Farichi lives?" Josh looked at her and said with a serious look on his face. " She lives in that big mansion on top of the hill..."

Jenny looked at Josh and said to him while having a serious look on her face. " Thanks, and could you also spread the word of what Me and Ansel seen in that Brothal?" 

Josh nooded his head and said to him with a serious look on his face. " I can do that, the good people of this City deserves to know what that witch is doing." 

Jenny looked at him and nooded before she said to him. " Thanks again, Me and Ansel leave for the mansion the first morning light... and make sure Veronica gets hell for what she did to all those girls she had killed..." 

She then went upstairs to see if everything was alright with the little Girl while Ansel sat with Josh at the table. Jenny walked up the stairs with that image of those dead corpses still fresh in her mind.

And thought about that one time she asked her parents why people are doing evil things. the answer her parents gave her was simply. " People do bad things because they have either been raised to do bad things,

Or that they are just born evil and just sick in the head. and the only thing you could do is push those thoughts to do bad things to others out of your mind, and do good deeds that makes people happy."

Remembering those words it made Jenny want to take down Veronica and Lactur-Undos even more. reaching the door to Susann's bed room she knocked on the door before entering inside and saw the little girl cleaned and dressed.

Her ginger tied in a bun and wears a yellow dress with a bow at the back of it. Jenny saw the look in the little girl's green sad eyes as While Susann walked out of the room and said. " I leave you two alone for a bit while I go and get her something to eat..."

Once Susann left her room Jenny  went over to the little girl and said." How are you doing, sweetie?" The little girl didnt answer her making Jenny feel even bad for the girl's loss of her mother.

She knelt down and said to the little girl with a gentle tone of voice. " Could you please tell me what happend to you and your mommy?" The little girl looked at her and said with a sad look on her face.

" Me and Mommy were waiting at the house for daddy while he was out getting food... I was bored and went outside even though Mommy told me not to...

The bad people caught me and later caught Mommy... They took us to that scary room, I was put in that cage and heard Mommy's scream..." The little girl began to cry as she said between sobs.

" I should have listend to Mommy... Now she's gone..." Jenny felt bad for the little girl and began to comfurted the young girl and said as she gently stroke her back.

" It's not your fault... You couldnt have known none of this would happen..." She then let go of the girl and looked at her then said. " Where do you live?" The little girl sobbed a little as the tears streamed down her face and said to her.

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