Chapter 1. Wastelands.

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Jenny's world -

Tyler Merash was hiding in the forest outside of town as the Police were looking for him. He blamed Jenny for being in this situation if she hadnt punched him in the face.

none of this would have happend and he would be home playing his games. but instead he's hunted down like Criminal witch he hated so much.

He punched one of the trees as he cursed Jenny Blackash's name to hell. " Lookes like someone is in a bad mode, did your mommy take away your toys?"

Said a fenemin voice making him look around for where the voice was comming from saying. " Who's there?!" He continued to look around when a woman with gray hair and a black mask appeared in front of him.

He got starteld as he fell backwards and crawled backwards as he said. " W-Where the hell did you come from!?!" The masked woman who wears cloths that reveal most of her breasts looked at him saying.

" I would watch your language if I were you, Women dont like to hear words like that come from a little boy like yourself..." Tyler had a angry look on his face as he said to her.

" I am not a little boy!! I am a man!" The masked woman looked at him and said in a mocking tone of voice. " Oh, you got a short fuse dont you? I know someone who has a even shorter fuse...Now, tell me what you are doing out here by yourself in the dark."

Tyler got up and said to her as he dusted himself. " Nothing special, Just hiding..." The masked woman got curious as she said to him. " Hiding? hiding from what?"

Tyler looked at her and said with a frown on his face. " I am hiding from the Police..." The masked woman looked at him and said. " The Police? what did you do to piss off the upholders of the law?"

Tyler looked at her and said with a serious look on his face. " I pushed this girl making her fall..." The Masked woman looked at him and said with a smile.

" You killed a girl? you dont look like the killing type..." Tyler had a angry look on his face as he was saying to the masked woman. " I didnt kill her!! its Jenny Blackash's fault!"

The masked woman reconized that name as she said to him. " Did you say Jenny Blackash? are you a friend of hers?" Tyler looked at the masked woman and said to her. 

" Are you kidding me? who wants to be friends with a freak like that, and what's with the question?" The masked woman smiled as she looked at him and said.

" I think you have to come with me..." Tyler had a nerveous look on his face when she heard him say that and said. " Are you going to take me to the Police? I did nothing wrong."

The masked woman went over to him and grabbed his arm as she said to him. " No... I am taking you to see my Masters..." Tyler struggeld to get out of the grip she has on him.

" Let go of me! My father wont be happy when he hears that you kidnapp me!" The masked woman just ignored him as she used her magic and teleported them to the Lactur-Undos headquarters.

The World of Ravenmane -

When Jenny and Ansel appeared in the new world they discoverd that they were in a desert wasteland with no sign of life anywhere.

they felt the heating sun shinning down on them while Jenny said while Ansel didnt look botherd with the heat. "This place is even hotter than that one summer vacation back home... dont you feel hot, Ansel?"

Ansel had a calm look on his face as he said to her. " I am used to conditions like this in my homeland." Jenny looked at him and said as she still felt the heat from the sun.

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