Chapter 5

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Once Nicole was almost finished getting ready, Charlie called from downstairs. "Nicole, Dr. Cullen is here." He said.

"I'll be right down." Nicole called. She finished up, grabbed her purse, and headed downstairs.

She saw Carlisle and her dad waiting at the bottom

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She saw Carlisle and her dad waiting at the bottom. "Ready to go?" Carlisle asked.

"Yes." Nicole said. She picked up Blake. "Mommy is going out for a little bit." Nicole said. "So, be good for Grandpa."

"Ok." Blake said.

"Good boy." Nicole said, kissing Blake on the top of the head. "Mommy will be back soon." She set Blake down and went back over to Carlisle and Charlie.

"Bed in an hour." Nicole said.

"For me or for Blake?" Charlie joked. The three laughed. "Have fun." Charlie said.

"Thanks Dad." Nicole said. She walked out of the house, following behind Carlisle.

Carlisle opened the passenger door for Nicole and she got in. He then got in the driver side, started the car, and drove off.

"So, where are we going?" Nicole asked.

"I made a reservation at this small restaurant in Port Angeles." Carlisle answered. "Is that ok?"

"Sounds good to me." Nicole said.

"Well, good then." Carlisle said. "You look stunning, by the way."

Nicole looked away for a moment, to hide her blush. "Thank you." She said. "You clean up nice, as well." Carlisle smiled at her.

A little bit later, Carlisle pulled up in front of the restaurant. The two got out of the car. Carlisle held the door open for Nicole and they walked into the restaurant.

"Hi. I have a reservation for two under Cullen." Carlisle said to the hostess.

"Right this way." The hostess said. They followed her to a table. "Your server will be right out." The hostess said.

"Thank you." Carlisle said. The hostess walked away.

After a few minutes, a waitress came by. "Can I get you two something to drink?" She asked, directing her question towards Carlisle.

"Is champagne ok with you?" Carlisle asked Nicole.

"Sure." Nicole said.

"We'll have a bottle of champagne." Carlisle said.

"I will be right back with that." The waitress said.

"Thank you." Carlisle said before the waitress walked away. The waitress came back a moment later with a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

"Are you ready to order?" She asked.

Again, the waitress completely ignored Nicole. Nicole rolled her eyes. She noticed the hostess doing that too. She got that Carlisle was attractive, but couldn't they see that he was with someone. Carlisle looked at Nicole. The waitress reluctantly turned towards Nicole.

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