“We did have a large rogue attack a few weeks ago.” Liam confirms to Alpha Ethan. He sighs before continuing.

“It seems like they’re getting bolder. We’ve had three in the last six months. None on the scale of yours, but still concerning. It’s like they’re becoming bolder.” I furrow my brow in concern as Liam ponders this.

“You think they’re up to something?” He asks. Ethan shrugs.

“I’m not sure. Who knows? Rogue brains don’t work quite right. It’s impossible to know what they’re thinking. I heard you and your beta fought very well together. Killed nearly thirty is that right?” Liam huffs.

“Would have been more if one of the cowards hadn’t used a silver blade on me.” Luna Cambria’s eyebrows raise.

“You’re lucky to have survived that.” She said seriously. Liam takes my hand and smiles at me.

“My mate saved me. With her blood and her excellent care. She was a nurse before I found her.” He says with pride and it makes my heart sing. He’s never said anything about my previous profession.

“Wow, impressive.” Luna Cambria says honestly.

“How did you learn to fight with your beta like that?” Alpha Ethan asks. I’m curious if Liam will answer him since he said not to divulge training information. He takes a deep breath and looks at Sam.

“Honestly, there’s no secret to it. We spend a lot of time together both training and as friends. It seems like since Lily came into our lives, we have bonded more and are in sync.” Liam answers.

“Nah, Alpha we’re just bad asses.” Sam adds with a smirk that makes the whole table laugh.

Dinner is served, roast beef with many sides, rolls, salads and an amazing chocolate cake for dessert. I try not to stuff myself, but the food is so good I can barely stop eating. I couldn’t finish my cake, but Sam happily took it from me.

Good cake should never go to waste, according to him.

The whole meal I am eyeing the brunette I saw come in with the scary looking Alpha. She looks absolutely miserable. Despite all of the food on the table, there is barely any on her plate. She tries to take a roll, and the man takes it from her and eats it in one bite before giving her a harsh look. She looks down at her plate and doesn’t attempt to eat anything else. My heart breaks for her. I see her ask him a question and he nods before she gets up and heads to the bathroom. I make a quick decision and shove three rolls in my bag before excusing myself.

I enter the room and wait patiently for her to empty a stall. Even the bathrooms are horrifically ornate. She comes out and washes her hands and I take a step towards her. She eyes me warily.

“What’s your name?” I ask her quietly.

“Sophie.” She squeaks out.

“You look hungry, Sophie.” I say and hand her the rolls. Her eyes go wide and she takes them, shoving them in her mouth as quickly as she can.

“Is that man you came in with your mate?” I ask her and she nods sadly.

“Does he hurt you?” I ask even quieter. Her eyes go wide again, and she looks scared.

“It’s ok. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” She nods and looks at me for a moment.

“Is Alpha Liam your mate?”

“Yes.” I smile at her.

“I’ve heard he’s nice. He treats his pack well.” I nod.

“He is nice, and he does treat them well. He’s generous, kind and fair.” Her eyes look a little misty before she says anything else.

“I wish I could live in your pack.” My heart shatters and I reach out to hug her. She stills in my arms before gingerly wrapping them around me.

“I want to help you.” I say quietly.

“You can’t.” She responds before pulling out of my grasp and running quickly out of the room.

‘You ok, Lily?’ Liam asks.

‘Yes, handsome. I’ll be right out.’ I respond as I try to compose myself.

When I walk back to the table, Liam stands and holds his hand out to me.

“Can I have this dance?” He asks with a hint of seduction to his tone.

“Of course, Alpha.” I respond and his eyes darken while Luna Cambria giggles at our exchange.

He leads me to the dance floor and spins me into his arms. We spin in lazy circles, my head resting on his chest as he places kisses to the top of my head. His chest purrs in content at my closeness and I smile up at him.

‘What’s wrong, sweetheart? You seem sad.’

‘I saw the Luna from the north in the bathroom. She seemed so sad. I wish I could help her.’ Liam sighs and nods his head, his eyes hardening.

‘Let’s talk about it after we leave. I don’t want my emotions clouding my judgement. Can you put it aside for a little longer and at least try to have a good time?’ He asks.

‘Sure. I’ll just think about that tie around your neck and how you’re going to use it later.’ I respond cheekily and he chuckles before leaning down to peck my lips.

We dance a few more times and the evening winds down uneventfully so we decide to head back to the hotel.

“No luck on finding your mate?” I ask Sam as we walk down the large corridor.

“No.” He sighs deeply. “But I’m sure I’ll find her. I just hope it’s soon.” He says defeatedly and I rub his shoulder to comfort him.

Just as we exit the house to get in our cars, Sophie and her mate are walking down the stairs. She’s shivering in the cold and her tiny dress and she misses a step, accidentally falling into her mate in front of her. He turns around and backhands her fiercely across the face, causing her to cry out and fall down the stairs.

“Watch it, you clumsy bitch!” He yells at her.

“Hey! Keep your hands off of her!” I yell at him, not thinking through my actions.

He swivels his head in my direction and narrows his eyes before trudging up the steps. Liam pushes me behind him and he and Sam stand shoulder to shoulder in front of me.

“What did you say human?” He spits the last word.

“Back off.” Liam says lowly, his voice incredibly calm.

“You had better watch your mate, Caulfield. She’s going to get herself into trouble.” He sneers at Liam.

“And you had better watch your fucking mouth, Harder.” Liam growls back. The man scoffs and turns around, picking Sophie up by the arm and dragging her to a car before stuffing her in the back seat.

When the car finally drives away, I breathe again.

“Oh my God, Liam I’m so sorry.” I say, tears gathering in my eyes. “I don’t know what came over me.”

Liam spins around and clutches me to his chest tightly. He leans down to put his face in my neck and breathes in deeply.

“Your Luna instincts came over you. It’s ok, baby. It’s ok. If I thought I could get away with it without starting a war I would fucking kill him myself. I’m not mad.”

“We have to help her.” I whisper to him. “We have to.”

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