Virgil Sanders x fem reader-My emo boy

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Yns POV:
Hum what a wonderful morning I thought as I stretched out in my and my boyfriend Virgil's shared bed. Oh now I have completely forgotten to introduce myself. I'm Yn and I'm Thomas shyness. And yes I am with Virgil and I love him so much it hurts and I understand him we help each other when it gets too much.
I decided to try to get out of bed but felt two very familiar arms around me that stopped me. I managed to turn around and smile when I saw Virgil's sleeping form. Then I snuggled into his warm body it is a little strange he is always so cold but when he is with me he is so warm. Virgil is really the best boyfriend I could have wished for, yes he may have a little problem sometimes but can you blame him he is Thomas' anxiety. But I love him one then and he is so good at working on his problems with me.
I love him and he loves me. I looked up at his sleeping face he is so cute when he sleeps. He may be extremely handsome when he is awake but when he sleeps then he is cute. I decided to start kissing him around his face and I could see him smiling but he had not really opened his eyes yet. Then I kissed him on the lips and then I felt him put his hand against my cheek and kissed me back. After our lips separately, he opened his eyes and with a smile.

Virgil: Good morning baby, have you slept well.
Omg that voice. Virgil's voice in the morning always makes me knee weak. I looked at him and smiled then I gave him another kiss then I answered.

Yn: Good morning Virgie I have slept wonderfully you?
Virgil: Ugh I do not like that nickname but yes I have also slept wonderfully.

I laughed at him and cuddled into him again I know he actually likes that nickname but only when I say it. This is the best I know that just lying and cuddling with Virgil I do not want to leave his side today. Wish we could just stay like this all day.

Knock Knock!!!

Hum Wondering who it might be?

Patton: Hello Kiddos good morning just wanted to tell you that breakfast is ready if you are interested.

I smiled when I heard it was Patton. Breakfast sounded really good right now I'm pretty hungry. I heard Virgil shout to Patton that we'll be down soon. But I do not want to leave the bed and I do not want to stop cuddling with Virgil.

Virgil: Baby what do you say if we just have a cozy day today and stay in bed and just cuddle and watch movies. Would you like it.
Yn: Yes please.

Virgils POV:
I laughed at her she is so heavenly sweet I kissed her on the forehead then I got up and picked up my sweater which was on the floor. I ignored switching to regular jeans because I'm just going to go down and get breakfast. Then I can just as easily go down in my pajama pants. When I turned around, I saw my wonderful girlfriend and saw that she looked a little sad. oh no what happens i did something stupid. I started to panic a bit.

Virgil: B_baby What is it have i done something.
Yn: Where are you going. Would we not stay in bed today.

Does she have to scare me so I smiled at her and giggled then I went to bed and took her in my arms. Then I kissed her and when we separated I told her.

Virgil: Yes, we're going to baby, but I'm just going to go down to the kitchen and get some breakfast. You're hungry, aren 't you?

She nodded to me and said a little yes then she gave me a kiss on the cheek and then lay down in bed again and hugged my pillow. So cute and I can not believe she's mine.

(Jumpskip in the kitchen)

Virgil: Morning.
Patton: Good morning Kiddo.
Logan: Morning.
Patton: But wait a minute where is Yn, she's okay. She's not sick, is she?

Virgil:Patton breathe YN is okay she's fine. We'll have a quiet day today.
Patton: Awwwww Soooooo Cuuuuuuuute!!!!!
Logan:Okay take it easy Patton it's okay Virgil but remember that when Roman and Thomas come home we'll make a new video.
Virgil: Okey.

(Jumpskip again sorry not sorry).

Virgil: Baby wake upp breakfast.

Yns POV:

Huh I must have fallen asleep. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, and when my eyes had adjusted to the light, and there I saw my nice boyfriend next to the bed with a tray of breakfast.

Virgil: Was it nice to have a little nap?
Yn: It was but there is someone missing next to me.

Virgils POV:
Oh god how cute she is I laughed at what she said then I put the tray aside then I took off my sweater and threw it on the floor. Then I lay in bed next to her side and said.

Virgil:I must make up for it then,
Come here baby.

Yns POV:
He smiled at me and kept his arms open for me. I giggled at him and crawled up to his arms then I gave him a kiss on the lips. Then I put my head on his chest and I felt him put his arms around me. Here I feel safe in his arms. I felt my eyes start to go out again but quickly opened them again because I just remembered the breakfast.

Yn: Virge what about breakfast?
Virgil:It can wait right now I just want to cuddle with my Baby.

I smiled at him and said nothing more I cuddled more into him. Just when I had fallen asleep, he whispered to me (I love you, thank you for being there). And yet I could only think of one thing. No, it's me to thank you for being there, I love you.
My Sweet Emo Boy.
And believe me that breakfast was completely forgotten.


Patton: Omg Logan come and check.

When Logan came, I held a finger and told him to be as quiet as he could. He looked at me strangely so I pointed into Virgil's room and told him to look towards the bed. Virgil held Yn in her arms and hid her face in her hair and they both lay asleep.

Patton:Come on you have to admit that the two of them are absolutely cute with each other.
Logan: Yes Patton I have to admit they are very sweet with each other.

I took out my mobile and took pictures of them, then we left the turtle doves alone. I have to show this picture later to Roman and Thomas.

The end.

Omg the cuteness overloud.

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