Aramis x fem reader-You are my weakness (Smut)

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oh Porthos is completely hopeless we women are not objects, and we can fight exactly as well as men. He sits and tells D'Artagna how to kiss a woman. Believe me if it had been me he had tried to kiss that way I would have hit him.
My thoughts stopped when I heard Aramis say.
Aramis: Only the wrong words are waste of time.
The right words can make a more lasting impression than a thousand of Porthos's kisses.
After he had finished speaking, the barmaid said.
Barmaid: Not likely.

One could see that Aramis took it as a challenge.
Aramis: Shall I demonstrate.
Porthos:Yes test on YN.

I almost started too choke on the wine i was drinking. Damit Porthos. He knows that I am very much in love with him and that I become weak when he is close to me or when he talks to me. But it could never be him and me. He is a man of God.
Aramis looked at me. Why does he have to be so beautiful?
Aramis:Only if it's okay with you YN?

I looked at him and started blushing, then I nodded slowly. You could hear him whispering quietly to himself "okay" Then he went to where I was sitting. Then he went down on one knee and took my hand and said.
Aramis: "As morning hues of Sun swept fire caress your face.
Alone with thee in pure Desirée,to worship your untold grace.
My soul would cry in silent prayer, for hours spent apart.
Your essence warms the eavning air, as i dance into your heart.

When he was done, he kissed my hand and then he looked deep into my eyes. I wanted to kiss him but I got up and said.
YN:Um you may excuse me but I have to go and polish my sword.
I said goodnight to everyone then I went to my room for the evening. We had arranged a room of my own so I would not have to share a room with any of them.

(A few hours later.)

so then you were done with the polishing. I got up from my bed and laid it on the table at the far end of the room. After I had put it down, I went to the chair by the window where I had hung up my nightgown. I quickly changed and then I released my long hair that I had put up in a ponytail. I went to the window and looked out the moon shone brightly it lit up the whole room.
Knock knock.

I looked at the door and thought who could it be?
I went to the door and there stood Aramis.
Aramis: Lady YN I need to talk with you. Can I come in.
I nodded and let him in, then i closed the door. Then I turned to him he looked at me but he looked very nervous.
Aramis: Um I just wanted to come and apologize if I made you uncomfortable out there.

Does he think I became uncomfortable, it's rather that I liked it. I approached him and put my hand on his shoulder.
YN: Believe me you did not make me uncomfortable I liked it very much.
Aramis: Really?
I nodded to him. He looked me in the eye then he said four words I was not prepared for.
Aramis: May i kiss you.

Did I just heard him say those words to him.
Does he really mean it. He took my hand and held it then he took his other hand and held it to my cheek. I want to kiss him but then I remember that he is bound to God. I looked at him and felt tears begin to flow from my eyes.
YN: I want you to kiss me but what about your bound go god?
He took his thumbs and wiped away your tears. Then he said.
Aramis:He probably will not get angry if I kiss the woman who stole my heart.

Did he just said that,that I have stolen his heart. Please if this is a dream then I never want to wake up.
It is rather he who has stolen my heart. He who is so kind and good, and loyal to all musketeers.
He is extremely beautiful also with his long brown hair and his brown eyes.
I took my left hand and put it against his cheek and he welcomed that feeling and leaned closer to my hand. I looked him in the eyes and smiled.
YN: You also stole my heart.
He smiled at me then asked me the same question again.
Aramis: May i kiss you?
YN: You may.
He leaned forward and kissed me and I kissed him back. It felt incredibly okay I do not dream.

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