Chapter 33 - Café.

Start from the beginning

Eventually, a female walked over, with a notepad and pen.

"Hey you two! What can I get you?" She beemed kindly towards Tommy, and had glanced at Techno. They made eye contact before she looked back over at Tommy.

Techno shivered.

He knew that look in her eyes. The look he always got. The look of lust. The desperation.

"Hey Tommy, do you know what you want?" Techno asked calmly, disgarding the female.

"Uhm, what- what do they have-?"

"Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, sodas, and some food like croissants or bread bites."

"Then.. could I just get a hot chocolate..?" Tommy was hesitant, and he looked up at the waitress. He broke eye contact as quickly as it was made, and she jotted down the order. She then turned to the pinkette.

"And for you?"

"Just a black coffee," Techno glanced at Tommy, "And could we both get a croissant?"

"Sure thing, hun. That it for now?" She asked, smiling a bit too warmly at the 16 year old. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably as he nodded, dismissing the question as fast as he could. She walked off, and tension immediately lightened up.

Techno turned his full attention to Tommy now.

"Sorry if that overwhelmed you a bit. I shoulda told you what they had so it wasn't so on-the-spot."

"It's alright, at least it's over with, right?"


"Uh, I have a question.." Tommy asked, as his mind started to do the thing it does best. Over-think.

"What is it?"

"Why'd you bring a bag..?"

"Oh, it just has sketchpads, books, a laptop, stuff to pass time here, y'know? I was gonna ask if you wanted anything. Wanna draw?"

"I dunno, uhm.."

That's alright, you don't have to. It's just something I typically do. We can change topics, alright kid?"

Tommy nooded, and took a deep breath. For some odd reason, he thought Techno was carrying a weapon of sorts. But now its just relevant he reads and draws.

(Hc : Techno can draw really well. Like, the DSMP fan-artist type of shit-)

Tommy looked out the window for a second, seeing a bird. His favorite bird. He had always been obsessed with Blue Quaker's, as it just sat on the window cill of the café

They talked, just to pass the time. But Tommy's eyes still were fixtated on the bird outside, as it seemed to stare back at the boy.

"You seem to really like that bird."

"Yeah, my mom used to take me to parks and we would just watch 'em."

"Really? That sounds nice,"

"It was. I used to try and catch them as a kid," Tommy said, laughing slightly at the end of his sentence.

The woman from before, with their drinks and croissant and she placed them down infront of the two.

"Here ya go, one hot chocolate and croissant for you," She started, facing Tommy before she turned her attention to the pinkette. "And your coffee and croissant, sweetheart."

Techno wanted to throw up a bit. He mumbled a 'thanks' and shifted uncomfortably. The female smirked and walked away, and Techno grabbed his drink, and sipped the coffee lightly. Tommy glanced at Techno, concerned.

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