“Yes, Liam. I’ll be careful.” He smiles warmly at me.

“Thank you, sweetheart.” He says before gently brushing his lips against mine.

“Why are Alpha and human relationships not usually successful?” I ask curiously. Liam takes a deep breath and turns a little in his seat to face me.

“Remember what I told you about Alpha’s sometimes accidentally killing their mates?” He asks. I nod somberly at the thought.

“Well, it’s hard for most humans to take on the role of Luna. They aren’t all as naturally gifted at it as you. And a lot of them can’t get over the fear of learning about our existence. And a lot of Alphas tend to be more aggressive than me. You and I doing what we did to our bond so early, harming it, forced my wolf to the back of my consciousness so I was able to exert more control over him. Some Alpha’s can learn to work with their human mates, but it’s much harder and they don’t tend to balance each other well. You and I are a special circumstance.” He says while smiling brightly at me. I smile back and lean forward, catching his bottom lip with mine and nibbling on it gently. His chest rumbles in approval before I hear Sam clear his throat from the other side of the plane.

“Could you please keep it in your pants till we make it to the hotel?” He asks. I chuckle and look over at him. He’s sweaty, shaking and his claws have come halfway out and are sunk into both arms of his chair.

“Are you ok, Sammy?” I ask. He nods.

“I just don’t like flying.” Liam chuckles as he takes in the other wolf’s appearance.

“He gets nervous on takeoff.”

“Do you want me to sit with you?” I ask him. Sam widens his eyes at me and nods enthusiastically.

“Would you? I could use some of your calm Luna vibes.” I nod and go to unbuckle my seatbelt when Liam places a hand on mine to stop me.

“No, you can come sit over here, Sam.” We are in the only bank of four seats, two facing two. Sam scurries over and buckles his seatbelt just as the plane begins to move down the runway. I reach out my hand for Sam to take and he grips me tightly.

“If you break her hand, I’ll break your face.” Liam says while taking my other hand.

Sam can only nod before he closes his eyes. His breathing is fast and sweat is pouring down his face. Even his hand is sweaty, and I have to school my features, so I don’t crinkle my nose in disgust. I push waves of calming energy into Sam and he visibly relaxes, his shoulders no longer as taut and his face goes from a grimace to a frown. Shortly after, the plane is in the air and Sam lets go of my hand. He immediately undoes his seat belt and bounds toward the back of the plane.

“Who wants snacks?” He yells over his shoulder. Liam and I both chuckle before Liam leans over to me.

“You want to join the mile-high club?” Sam lets out a sound of disgust while his face crinkles into pure horror.

“Don’t you dare do that with me on this tiny plane with you!” He yells at Liam.

“You’re the one who asked to come on this trip! I had planned for it to be just Lily and I.” Sam scoffs and rolls his eyes.

“You nasty asses can wait till we hit the hotel.”

“Why are we staying in a hotel? Does this pack not have room for guests? I ask.

“It does, I just don’t like staying overnight on other pack’s territory. It made me nervous before, but now with you I’d rather stay where there are more humans than wolves.”

“Sounds awfully anti-social of you.” I tell him cheekily. He laughs and grabs my hand again.

“Nah, more like paranoid.” I laugh at that.

“Well, as long as we give the right name to your phobia, that’s what really matters.”

The rest of the flight passes by uneventfully and Liam rents a car that looks more like an armored vehicle when we get to the airport.

He apparently wasn’t kidding about the paranoia.

I start to get sleepy from the traveling when we pull into the parking lot at the hotel. I walk in with Liam, who is holding our bags as we check in. The cute little brunette behind the desk gives Liam appreciative glances, which makes jealousy bloom in my belly. But I tamper it down when Liam is completely oblivious to the attention she’s giving him. When Sam walks in behind us, her eyes widen and it’s obvious she would much rather have him than Liam. Sam seems to notice as well because when she hands him two room keys, he slyly slips one back to her. She tucks her hair behind her ear demurely and gives him a shy smile. He leans forward to whisper in her ear and she giggles at whatever he says. He flashes her his best smile and I can tell he’s got her hook, line and sinker. We all enter the elevator together and I glare at him.

“What was that, Sam?” He shrugs and gives me an innocent smile.

“What? Who said you and Alpha are the only ones who can get laid on this trip?” I scoff and narrow my eyes at him.

“Weren’t you hoping to find your mate on this trip?” I ask.

“Yeah, but who knows if I will and getting off the territory is the only way for me to get some. I can’t sleep with pack members, it’s unethical since I’m their superior. Come on, Luna don’t look at me like that.” He says. I know my eyes are full of disappointment, but I can’t help it.

“I thought you were better than a one-night stand kind of guy, Sammy.” I say.

‘Lay it on thick, love’ Liam says in our mind link as he chuckles. Sam groans and rubs his hand down his face. We exit the elevator and he finds his room, a few doors down from ours.

“I can’t stand that look. Fine! I’ll keep it in my pants!” He shouts down the hall as his door shuts behind him.

 As Liam and I settle into our room, there is one more thing I can’t get out of my mind.

“Baby, I have one more question and I promise that’ll be it. For today.” He laughs as he waltzes over to me and wraps me in his strong arms.

“Ask away, my love.”

“If an Alpha and a human are mated, and they don’t balance each other out well, why doesn’t the Alpha just turn his mate?” I ask.

Liam’s smile fades and his eyes turn hard.

“Turning a human is a very serious thing that should only be done as a last resort. The chances of the human surviving are slim, especially for women, and if they do survive their wolves are very weak. It’s not worth the risk.” He says. My heart drops a little.

“Who told you about turning?” He asks me skeptically.

“I heard Sam mention it once when he didn’t know I was listening, and I saw a little bit on it when I was doing research when I first arrived. I wanted to ask you about it before, but Callum told me not to because it would upset you.” He sighs before he leans down to press a kiss to my forehead. He stays quiet for a long moment before pulling away to look in my eyes.

“He knew it would upset me because the idea of you being in that much pain, during your first shift, and likely not surviving is the worst possible outcome I could imagine for us.” He says quietly.

“But you never need to be afraid to ask questions. This is your world now just as much as it is mine and you have every right to understand it.” I nod and he leans down to kiss me again.

My dreams of being a wolf effectively gone up in smoke.

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