"Next time I'll fuck her on your bed," I looked at him shocked seeing how harsh he was as he tilted his head, before looking up at me. I didn't dare to say anything.

"You think Lee and I haven't done it on yours," Katie spat back looking quite pleased with herself.

"I'm going to kill him," Fred groaned as he stormed out the bedroom. "Jordan!" I head him yell as he ran down the stairs to the boy's dormitories.

I shut the door, before bursting out into laughter as Katie joined me. "Have you and Lee really done it on Fred's bed?" I asked.

Katie dropped her heels and sat on her bed, "No but now Fred is Lee's problem," she said smiling to herself.

I smiled back at her as I walked towards my dresser. This morning had certainly been a wild one, but that's how I liked it. I brushed my hair as I asked Katie how her date with Lee went. She told me how he took her on a picnic which was near the black lake. Katie said they talked for hours, enjoying each other's company. I was truly happy for her and couldn't believe how great the two were together.

"And God the sex. Amelia the sex is so good," Katie closed her eyes as she said in slight frustration.

"Trust me I know what you mean," I said as I used my wand to make my bed. Granted Fred was my first, so I had nothing to compare it with, but that didn't mean the sex was bad.

It was still quite early in the morning, so Katie and I took our time getting ready for the day. It was a beautiful Saturday morning, I let Naroh out of his cage letting him roam freely. "Oh, and Hermione wants us to join her at the library in around an hour," Katie said as she tried on her third t-shirt.

"How come?" Hermione barely ever asked Katie and I for help, so it came as quite a shock to me when she invited us.

"Something about preparing herself for her O.W.L.S next year," Katie shrugged as she went with a deep red shirt.

I quickly hopped in the shower, taking my time as we didn't have much to do today. There was the faint taste of whisky on my tongue. I began to think back to last night. But soon the tears came rushing back to me, the feeling of seeing Alphard in my dorm and him sending the note to me. It all was coming back to me; I didn't even realise how I forgot about the whole thing. Last night when Fred came to my room, he easily took my mind of the whole situation. It's like he was always there for me without even realising it.

The hot water was tensing my nerves, but I could feel the stress returning. I was so scared what Alphard could do to me. The man is a death eater, it felt so weird to think. I couldn't imagine myself saying it out loud. I just wanted to get rid of him, and never see him again. I just had to figure out how.

"Amelia come on, Hermione will kill us if we're late," Katie was banging at the door startling me as I knocked over a couple shampoo bottles.

I must have been so lost in thought that I forgot about the time. I quickly hopped out and changed into a plain faded t-shirt which was stolen from Fred and slipped into a pair of shorts. I grabbed my book bag and slipped a couple rings on my fingers as well as wearing Fred's pendant.

Katie and I made our way down to the great hall so we could have a quick breakfast. The hall was mainly empty, no one really woke up early on a Saturday. I looked over at the teachers table seeing Professor Flitwick reading the daily prophet, and Dumbledore was there as well. It was odd seeing him at breakfast, the only times I'd ever see him was during dinner. Dumbledore raised his tea cup to me and smiled, I quickly smiled back before taking my seat.

Katie and I scoffed down our toasts and practically inhaled our tea. I was unusually hungry but then again the only thing I had last night was whisky.

The Red Head Boy- Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now