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groggily walking down the stairs to make himself some cereal came a rather tall , maybe 5'10, teen that made his way to the kitchen. forcefully snatching open the refrigerator door since it always wanted to play games with him in the morning, he grabbed the milk out the fridge and a bowl out the cabinet next to it. he pulled out the drawer next to the oven and grabbed a spoon. " frosted flakes, cinnamon toast crunch, captain crunch... " he whispered to himself. slowly he grabbed the captain crunch off the top of the fridge and poured it in his bowl. the loud noise of the cereal hitting the bowl filled the room. he poured the milk in, using his spoon to get a taste of the cereal. he opened the door to the fridge and put the milk back.

he took his bowl of colorful cereal and put it on the dining room table. he sat down at the table and took his phone out his jacket pocket. after he finished eating he washed his bowl and spoon and put them in the dishwasher to dry. he walked over to the tv and grabbed the remote to turn on the tv. he flipped it straight to the news to see what has happened in the world in the last 12 hours.

" the neos strike again... " the newscaster says on the big screen. " the explosion resulted in four killed and 12 injured...." she stated. many photos of the aftermath popped up on the screen. fires and explosions everywhere you could think of.

'that's a bigger number then last time' the teenager noted to himself. his brown eyes glued to the big screen in the living room. he sat on the couch that was positioned on the nicely polished marble floors. he was the only one home at the moment, as his parents were out for a business trip or something like that.

the only useful information about the neos was that they were a big group consisting of 22 members and three units. 127 was rumored to be the head group, literally nothing known about the group except the numbers being the longitude and latitude of seoul. dream was another unit , they say everyone in that group was around the ages of 19-14 and committed the more petty crimes. vision was another unit but they were mainly based in china.

" ringing..." the teen whispered to himself. "why do i hear ringing...??" he asked like anyone was going to answer his stupid question. " RINGING.. OMG WHERE'S MY PHONE" the teen hopped up from the couch, throwing pillows all over the place. his phone continued to ring over on the dining room table but he was a little to slow to realize that. " ok let me retrace my steps because its clearly not in the couch" he said putting the pillows back in their respected places. " before i sat down..." he trailed off , eyeing the dining room table ".. i was at the table..." he said walking closer to the table just to see the phone was right where he left it.

' two missed calls from jihoon?🃏 '

"... i wonder what he is calling about" he said picking the phone up and calling him back.

" fuck fuck fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK " jihoon said running and jumping building to building. " please dont tell me im about to go out like this." he said using his semblance to throw something on the rooftop behind him. he really needed to get these people off his tail and quick. he was not planning on being chased today , barely even thinking about it actually, and yet here he is jumping rooftop to rooftop just to live. he didnt have his motorcycle with him and he wasnt in the best position to bring out his weapon either. " why did i have to run into them on such a fine day too... WHAT THE FUCK" he ducked. they quickly started bringing out weapons, shooting at him. he turned around to see how far behind him they were and they werent far either. " why do they always have to wear them green mask... its so creepy..." he said turning back around. he was running out of buildings to jump on and he needed to think of something fast... really fast. he jumped off the rooftop he was on, into an alleyway next to the building and here they were jumping right behind him. " they just dont give up do they..." he said after he recovered from his jump. running down the alley way he grabbed his phone out his pocket, he was trying his hardest to multitask. "soonyoung...soonyoung...SOONYOUNG!!" he said as he scrolled through his contacts. he needed someone to come quick and soonyoung was the easiest person to call since jihoon noticed he was close to his house. he rang the boys number atleast twice before giving up.. but instead he got a call back from the boy.

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