PART 6: "I was that boy."

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---December came and it's time for Syd and Rocky's rehearsal dinner. (MUSIC SCORE: I WAS MADE FOR YOU - SHE & HIM) They held it three nights before the wedding so their families coming from other states and Australia would still have time to rest and enjoy before the big day. The couple always wanted a simple wedding and simple preparations which include the rehearsal dinner. Where else would they have a simple yet a very memorable evening but on their loft's rooftop - where everything started. Rocky's parents and very few of their close friends and relatives from Australia arrived that morning, and AK from London, too. Her parents plan on having a mini vacation in NYC and visit other relatives so they even brought Sydney with them. Once they arrived, Sydney and Hachi were inseparable and were so hyped to play together. They just had a chill party at the rooftop. They hired caterers and stylists to take care of everything. The setup is just a casual dinner with minimalist decors. A mobile bar and great music are a must, of course. They didn't have a mini programme either. They just want to hang out and enjoy dinner with their families and friends. Matt, Joey and Jia are present, too. The couple's not even in dressy fits. In the middle of dinner, the Best Man - Berlin, stands in the middle of the rooftop and clinks his champagne glass with his fork. The music was turned down and the crowd focused on him.

Berlin: Good evening everyone. I'm Berlin Kane, Syd's not-so-older brother. (crowd chuckles) I know we promised that this'd be just a chill night with no programmes or anything, but my kid brother asked me if I could help him out in doing something special for his wife-to-be. So, here we go.

---Syd is with the boys, smiling at his fiance. Rocky is with the ladies, totally clueless about what's going on - as well as the gang.

Berlin: So we all know how Syd and Rocky's love story started, right? It's when Rocky got locked down in New York and she started living together with seven guys in this building - that includes my brother. They're basically like cats and dogs according to their friends. For some reason, Syd is so annoyed by Rocky's very bubbly personality. Little did he know that he's actually starting to like her so much.

---The crowd giggled.

Berlin: To cut to the chase, a sweet kiss one Halloween night on this rooftop led us to...well, (gestures) this dinner rehearsal we're all having tonight.

---The crowd clapped.

Berlin: Last summer, Syd came to us asking about his childhood stuff that was kept in the basement. Without asking, mom and I helped him flip the house upside down and go through the boxes to find three specific things - (teasing) which I will tell you about later on.

Crowd: (teased) Aaww.

Berlin: What triggered him? Apparently, Rocky here randomly asked my brother about how he'd feel if he's marrying his "first love" instead of her.

---The crowd chuckled. Rocky covers her face in embarrassment. She's blushing big time.

Berlin: But Syd didn't get the chance to answer. Instead, Rocky told him about her first love. Rock, my brother told me that he wasn't able to give you a proper, grand and memorable wedding proposal - but he wanted to give you a special gift before the wedding.

Rocky: (gasps) Oh my God, please don't tell me he was able to track down my first love!

---The crowd laughed. Syd is also laughing so hard.

Berlin: (looks around) Well might not be wrong about that. But everyone, please, take a look under your seats. There are two items hidden under two lucky chairs. Those are two of the items that Syd asked us to look for.

---And two guests found the boxes under their seats and gave them to Berlin. Syd then stands and takes Rocky to the center where Berlin is.

Rocky: (chuckles)(to the bros) What is going on guys?

Berlin: (gives her a chair) Sit down my dear sister and open those boxes.

Rocky: (opening one box) I should've been informed that we're exchanging gifts.

Berlin: Oh trust me, you're not. (winks)

---When Rocky opened it, it's a folded colorful paper shaped like a diamond. She finds it so familiar. Then the next box - there's a kid's shirt inside with a Super Mario print.

Rocky: I know this shirt.

Berlin: So I guess I'll leave everything to Syd now. Brother? (gestures)

Syd: Thanks bro. (taps his arm)(clears throat) So um...yeah I thought of making up for the failed wedding proposal plan we had last year with this. Last summer was one of the instances where my Rocky here had me feeling like my chest would burst any second - when you randomly talked about your first love: the lost boy that you met by the beach whom you cheered up by playing with a (raises colored paper) kite and whose name you didn't get, but you called him Super Mario because (shows shirt) he was wearing a Mario shirt.

---(MUSIC SCORE: SO HERE WE ARE - BLOC PARTY) If Rocky's guessing it right, she is crying anytime. The guests became emotional too as to where this is leading.

Syd: I felt extremely surprised that night that my chest wants to burst. Not because I was so jealous of your first love, but because...(takes a polaroid photo from his jacket) I felt so lucky, I was that boy. (shows photo)(smiles)

---Rocky's tears fell as she looked at the photo. It's exactly how she remembered it being taken at the beach in Australia. The crowd is in awe. Flashback to many years ago. Australia. Two kids are sitting next to each other, looking at the sea.

Rocky: Have you ever flown a kite?

Syd: (looks at her) No.

Rocky: (gives her kite) Here, try it. The wind is blowing well so this should fly high. Your mom and dad might be able to see this and find you. (smiles)

---Syd smiles. And so they played and ran as much as they could while they flew the kite. After a couple of hours, Syd's parents finally found him.

Annie: I see you made a friend here. (smiles at Rocky) Hey come on guys, let me take a photo of you.

---and they stood next to each other and smiled. And then Rocky's parents called her.

Rocky: I should get going.

Syd: (gives her kite back) Thanks for this.

Rocky: Keep it. I have a few of those. Fly it here so I know when you're around.

---Annie and Steven are so fond of this cute and smart girl in front of them.

Rocky: (waves goodbye and starts running) Bye!

Syd: Bye! (waves at her)

before lockdown.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz