Glazed & Confused

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[Jackson] Man, it sucks we can't go to LA.
[Mom] Uh, we don't say "sucks" in this family. That is on the Do Not Say list.
[Jackson] Sorry it blows.

Jackson then walks into the kitchen.

[Max] That's on the list too, butthead.
[Mom] Max!
[Max] I know it's on the list, but you gotta admit, he is a butthead.
[Dylan] Yeah and I say worse.

Max follows Jackson to the kitchen. While I go sit on the couch.

[Ramona] Mom, can I please come to LA to support Stephanie and miss my science test? Did I say "Miss my science test" out loud?
[Kimmy] Oh, you know I hate to say "No" to you. So Fernando, tell her "No".
[Fernando] No.

Max and Jackson come back to the living room and Joey then comes through the door.

[Joey] He's back. Now there's a hello. It's almost as if I was holding a box of yummy donuts from Burt's Donut Shop.

Everyone then tries to grab one except for me, and mom moves to intercept them all.

[Mom] Ah-ah, no sugar before bed.

Everyone boos mom.

[Fernando] You're tougher than Police Mom.
[Mom] You guys can all have one in the morning. And Joey, thanks for watching the kids so Matt and I can go to wine country.

Everyone says ooh!

[Mom] I hope so.
[Dylan] Ew. Mom

Timeskip to the next morning.

I wake up at 5 before anyone else is up and go for a morning run. It's a struggle to leave my room without waking Joey who was sleeping on Aunt Stephanie's bed but I did it. The mornings are the only time I have to secretly workout so no one knows I'm playing soccer again. A lot of the time when I tell my mom I'm at a friends house I'm either at practice or playing in a game.

Once I get home I sneak upstairs to take a shower and get ready for school. Then I get down to my room and grab my backpack while putting on my shoes. I head upstairs as my siblings and Ramona come downstairs. After throwing a pillow at Joey to wakeup.

[Jackson] Mom, I don't feel so good.
[Mom] Well, maybe you shouldn't have eaten so many donuts this morning.
[Ramona] I only had one. My face feels hot.
[Mom] Nice try but I'm not falling for the old too sick to go to school routine.
[Max] I'm not faking. I feel like I did when I went on the teacup ride after two churros and a turkey leg.
[Joey] Deej, my tummy feels funny too.
[Mom] Joey, you don't go to school. You don't have to pretend.
[Joey] I wish I was. I've felt sick ever since I had one of those delicious donuts.

My brothers and Ramona all say yeah.

[Joey] I'm starting to think the D in the window didn't stand for donuts.

[Ramona] Oh, I got the upstairs bathroom! R
[Jackson] I got the downstairs.
[Max] I got the basement!
[Joey] I got the backyard if I can make it.

They all run for the different areas.

[Matt] I've got a bad feeling about our trip to the wine country.
[Mom] I've got a bad feeling about whatever Joey's doing in the backyard.
[Dylan] Ok, well I'm gonna go ahead to school.

I then walk out of the house and head to school. Once getting to school I grab my necessary books for the classes before lunch and head off to class. Finally it's lunch time I never eat during this time but it does give me the chance to put away my books and put my assignments into my folder to take home. Then I grab my other books and go hang out with Tyler and Alex.

Lunch ends so I say bye to Tyler and Alex and head to class. The teacher keeps droning on about the war of 1812 so I look out the window and start spacing out. Last bell of the day rings so I head for my locker and grab my assignments and the necessary books I need for them.

Since I don't have to walk with Jackson and Ramona home and I won't be having to get Max from his school in account to them being sick I decide to go over to Alex's with Tyler. There we hang out for a while playing Mario kart. Soon Alex placed some beers on the table so I grab one and we all start drinking.

A couple hours later I realize I should be heading home so I walk into Alex's bathroom and brush my teeth with the toothbrush I keep in my backpack. I say bye to them and start on my way home. As I'm walking I see Gia and ask her if she has any pot holding out a 50 dollar bill. She then hands me two little baggies and I continue on my walk home putting them in my backpack. As I'm walking up the driveway I see Joey just about to leave.

[Joey] Bye Dylan.
[Dylan] Bye Joey. Hey mom. Hey Kimmy
[Mom & Kimmy] Hey Dylan.

Just then Aunt Steph comes through the door with her luggage. So I head to the kitchen to get something to drink when I'm about to enter I overhear mom, Aunt Steph, and Kimmy talking.

[Aunt Steph] Hey, Deej, why aren't you in Napa?
[Mom] Oh, we all got donut poisoning. But Matt took really good care of me and the kids. The boys really love him.
[Kimmy] Why do you sound like that's a bad thing?
[Mom] Oh, no its not. It's just...the boys are getting really attached to him. And what if things don't work out between us? I don't want to see them get hurt. I even think Dylan's starting to accept him, he doesn't glare at Matt whenever there in the same room together, or role his eyes when I mention him.
[Aunt Steph] Deej, the kids will be fine no matter what happens, just like we were when dad started dating again.
[Mom] Yeah, I guess we didn't care who dad dated, we just wanted him to be happy.
[Kimmy] And that's what your boys want for you. Especially Dylan, he just has troubles with his emotions and how to express himself.

After hearing this I head down to my room feeling some type of emotion so I plug my headphones into my piano and start practicing my new song for the winter showcase. Piano has always been my escape from the world. When my dad died I would play for hours on end because I couldn't bring myself to mourn because my mom and brothers needed me.

1127 words
Published: 6/6/2021

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