Curse of Tanner Manor

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Finally the last bell of the day rings and I pretty much sprint out of class attempting to catch up with one of my old soccer friend that's a senior.

[Dylan] Tyler!
[Tyler] Hey!
[Dylan] Thanks again for Alex's number.
[Tyler] No problem you still coming out with us tonight?
[Dylan] Yeah, just have to get past my mom which is easy enough.
[Tyler] Ok, so we'll meet at Haunted Halloween
[Dylan] Yep, see ya.

I then run outside the school to wait for Jackson and Ramona like I do everyday. Once they join me we start walking home. I decide to go ahead and text Alex while walking so I can start right as I get home.

We then arrive at home and walk through the door announcing that where home.

[Jackson] Hey, guys.
[Jimmy] Oh, hey, guys, I've got three extra tickets to Haunted Halloween, you want 'em?
[Dylan] I already got plans.
[Mom] Oh, actually, I'm planning a family Halloween here at home.
[Jackson] Yeah, we'll take 'em.
[Ramona] Thanks uncle Jimmy
[Mom] Are you sure you wanna miss family Halloween? We always go trick or treating together. And then later, I'm throwing a spooky party for Max.
[Jackson] Come on, Mom. We're too mature for all that little kid stuff. We're 13.
[Ramona] Yeah, if this were Frontier times, we'd be married.
[Jackson] Ew.
[Ramona] Not to each other. Ew.

Kimmy then comes into the room

[Kimmy] Ramona, let's decide on your costume, you don't wanna end up being something boring like a kitty cat.
[Mom] Oh, I was a kitty cat last year.
[Aunt Steph] You're a kitty cat every year.
[Mom] So? You're a sexy nurse every year.
[Aunt Steph] Well, actually I'm just a nurse, but thank you.
[Ramona] Sorry mom, but we're going to Haunted Halloween. And we're not wearing dumb costumes.
[Jackson] Or going to a lame kiddie party.
[Dylan] Same.
[Ramona] And we're gonna Uber so we don't have to be embarrassed by having our parents drop us off. But we're really sad we're gonna miss the fun tonight.
[Jackson] Yeah, we are. And we're gonna be out late, so don't wait up.

Jackson and Ramona high five and head upstairs after handing me my ticket. And I go sit by the window to see how long it takes for them to notice me.

[Kimmy] Joke's on them. I'm gonna wait up.
[Jimmy] DJ, I'm sorry I ruined your family Halloween, I should have checked with you about the tickets first.
[Mom] Oh, it's all right. You couldn't have known that this might be my last Halloween with all my boys before they grow up, move out and never call.
[Jimmy] Well, as long as I'm off the hook.
[Aunt Steph] We could ask for the tickets back if you want.
[Mom] No, it's fine. They can go. Man, time sure flies. One minute, Dylan, Jackson, and Ramona are holding our hands to cross the street, and the next minute they want nothing to do with us.
[Kimmy] Oh, Deej. Teenagers are like birds, if they fly away they were never yours to begin with.
[Mom] That makes no sense.
[Kimmy] Shh. I know it doesn't.
[Dylan] You guys are weird. I'm gonna go get ready.
[Mom] Oh, Dylan, I didn't see you their. Are you staying home and going trick or treating with us.
[Dylan] No, I'm going out with some friends after we go to Haunted Halloween no clue when we'll be back.
[Mom] Oh, ok.

I then head downstairs to get changed purposefully leaving my phone behind.


Dylan just left with for Haunted Halloween and I noticed  he left his phone behind and it won't stop binging. As I'm getting Tommy in his stroller Max comes down and the phone keeps going off. And Jackson comes in asking for money.

[Max] Mom what's that noise.
[Jackson] Yeah, what is that.
[DJ] Dylan left his phone.
[Max] How will he get ahold of you then.
[DJ] He'll just have to borrow one of his friends.
[Jackson] I'm gonna turn off his phone it's getting really annoying... Um mom I think you might want to like at these message.

Jackson hands me Dylans phone and I can't believe my eyes.

[DJ] Oh My Lanta. 'Hey baby when are you gonna get here' 'Did you get past you mom' 'I'm waiting by the entrance' 'Oh I see you' 'Damn you look hot' 'Did you forget your phone again' 'Why am I still texting you if you don't even have your phone'.
[Jackson] Well then.
[DJ] Did you know your brother had a girlfriend?
[Jackson and Max] No.
[DJ] Jackson.
[Jackson] No, seriously I only see him talk to his old soccer buddies every so often.
[DJ] Ok, I'll just wait for your brother to get home and ask him.

Timeskip to 1am

Back to Dylan's POV
[Tyler] Dude are you drunk or high
[Dylan] A little of both
[Tyler] Ok well let's get you inside
[Dylan] Oh, here's my key. Everyone should be asleep so we gotta be quiet.
[Tyler] Ok let's go. Down the steps. You sleep down in the basement right.
[Dylan] Yeah.
[Tyler] Shit.
[Dylan] What?
[Tyler] Your mom and two ladies are sitting on the couch
[Mom] Hey Dylan. Hi Tyler.
[Tyler] Hi Miss Tanner.
[Mom] Why is he drunk, or is he high?
[Tyler] Both. Sorry I lost him for about an hour, but I do need to be getting home I promised my dad I'd be home by 1:30
[Mom] Ok, thanks for making sure he gets home
[Tyler] You're welcome. Bye Dylan.
[Dylan] Bye Tyler.

[Dylan] Hey mom, aunt Steph, and Kimmy.
[Mom] Don't. Just don't. Do you know how long I've been waiting for you, you were supposed to be home at 11. I was so worried something happened to you.
[Dylan] Why would you think something happened to me, I was with my friends.
[Mom] I didn't want something happening to you like last summer.
[Dylan] Why would you think something like that would happen again.
[Mom] Because you left your phone and I saw the messages on your phone while trying to turn it off. Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend?
[Aunt Steph and Kimmy] You have a girlfriend?!
[Dylan] No
[Mom] Then why were you getting flirty texts?
[Dylan] We're just friends don't worry about. Can I go to bed now and have my phone.
[Mom] Sure but your grounded for two weeks.
[Dylan] Ok. Goodnight. Also Goodnight aunt Steph and Kimmy.

Authors Note
1099 words.
Also more of Dylans past has been revealed, and new issues are taking route.
Published: 6/02/2021

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