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A little insight to what Dylan did during the summer he kept writing new songs and went to band camp where he met some friends who aren't the best influence and they are all a few years older than him.

Dylans POV:
I'm currently sitting in the kitchen while my mom tries to teach Tommy to walk. I'm not paying much attention focusing on my sheet music.

I look up all of a sudden when Kimmy walks into the kitchen announcing there back with Ramona and Jackson coming in behind her. As soon as Jackson starts talking his voice starts to crack. He then walks to the fridge to get something to drink.

Ramona and Kimmy start to talk about her time at dance camp. And then start doing a weird dance. What the hell...

At this point I decide to head down to my room to see if my music actually flows well on the piano.

~Time Skip to a Few Hours Later~

I get texted by my friends I made over summer telling me to meet them at the skate park. So I grab my jacket and skateboard and put my in my pocket. As I'm walking outside I see Stephanie and a guy sitting on the bench and as I pass by I tell her I'm heading to the skate park.

Once I get to the skate park me and my friends start skating around. After a while we leave walking around the city when we come across an alley way and my friend Brandon says how we should spray paint the wall. I go along with it because why not.

Once we're done spraying the wall I notice the time and tell them I have to get home for dinner. With that said I bide my goodbye and skateboard home.

~At Home~

I got home just in time to overhear mom Kimmy and Kimmy's brother Jimmy's conversation. Kimmy is telling Jimmy to pretend to be mom's boyfriend. I decide to just grab some food and sit back and watch as everything plays out.

I'm watching as the chaos happens when all of a sudden Jackson is standing in his bedroom window with a rope and yells to Lola. I yell to him not to but he ignores me and jumps out the Tarzan. Falling into the pool next door. Ramona runs to the fence same as me and informs Jackson Lola left ten minutes ago.

Mom headed inside to check on Max. I took that opportunity to ask Jackson why Fernando is even here and he told me that he moved in. I'm shook.

I grab Tommy and head towards the bedroom I sat him on the floor real quickly when my phone buzzed not expecting Tommy to stand up and start walking. He walked into Jackson and Max's room and over to my mom.

Everyone else came upstairs wanting DJ to see Tommy walk. Max then starts talking about stuff I don't understand so I sit at Jackson's desk texting my friends.

Authors Note:
This was supposed to be published on Monday but then I got really busy and got locked out of my Netflix account.

I should be able to get the next couple chapters up senior year has just been kicking my ass. But the good news is I graduate in march.

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