Ramona's Not-So-Epic First Kiss

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Ramona, Jackson, and Popko are sitting in the leaving room. Me and Kimmy enter with snacks. She notices there all on there phones.

[Kimmy] Here's a crazy thought. You guys ever try interacting with each other?
[Dylan] They're probably texting each other.
[Jackson] Who do you think we're texting?
All three of them laugh.
[Ramona] That was a good one.
[Jackson] Yeah.
[Dylan] See.
I gesture at them

Kimmy sighs as we walk back into the kitchen.
[Kimmy] So what are you going to do today.
[Dylan] I have to go down to the school to get some books from my locker that I forgot then I'm going to the music store to get more sheet music.
[Kimmy] Ok well be careful down there I've noticed sketchy people hanging around there.
[Dylan] Sure. Bye Kimmy.
And I head towards the living room.

Right as I walk in I see Ramona and Popko kiss and Max comes in from the other door.

[Max] Yuck! I watch TV on that couch. Are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend?
[Ramona] No. We don't even like each other.
[Max] Just so you know, Cosmo, when I loss you that means I love you. You teenagers are so shallow.

Max walks out of the room with Cosmo.

[Ramona] Hey Dylan have you ever kissed someone
[Dylan] Yeah...
[Ramona and Popko] Who
[Dylan] Like I would tell you guys that. Anyways bye.

Once I got to the school I walked straight to my locker and grabbed my books. Then I hopped on a bus to head towards the music store. I looked at the different types of music sheets and grabbed the ones I needed and went to pay for them.

I then hopped on a bus to head home. When I got home I headed down to my room to put away my sheet music then went upstairs to hang out with Max and Tommy.

I was laying on Jackson's bed scrolling through Instagram while Tommy sat with Max on his bed while he played with Cosmo. Then theirs a thump outside the window and all of a sudden Ramona comes in through the window.

[Max] Nevermind, it's just Ramona. What are you doing here?
[Ramona] I'm hiding from my parents.
[Dylan] Why?
[Max] Why aren't you at the movies?
[Ramona] I left early. I hated seeing Popko on a date with that Bethany.
[Max] You and me both
[Ramona] I need to hang out here for a couple of hours, so my parents think I had fun tonight. They were so excited for me. I just don't wanna let them down.
[Max] Plus it's pretty embarrassing for you. Anyway, you're on tickle duty. I gotta use the can. You don't buy apple juice, you just rent it.
[Dylan] You won't let down you're parents. The only person in this house that let's down there parents is me. Anyways I'm gonna go downstairs you want anything?
[Ramona] No. That's ok I'm just gonna hang out with Tommy.

I nod walking out heading downstairs to look for something to eat for the first time in the past four days. After I got an apple with some honey I went down to my room and sat on my new bed that Fernando helped me get.

After I finished eating I went upstairs to put my dish into the dishwasher nodding at Fernando and Kimmy who were talking and walked into the living to sit down.

A couple minutes later Jackson came through the front door announcing he's home as Ramona came running downstairs.

[Jackson] Where did you go?
[Ramona] It's a long story. Play dumb.
[Jackson] Ok.
[Dylan] That shouldn't be too hard.
[Jackson] Hey!

Kimmy and Fernando came out the kitchen.

[Kimmy] How was my little girl's first date?
[Ramona] It was so romantic. I'll remember it forever. Going to bed now.
[Fernando] No, no, no, no, no... We want details. Was Señor Popko a gentleman?
[Jackson] He was to me. He bought me popcorn and held the door.

What the hell little brother I thought. Mom and aunt Steph came walking through the door just then laughing. As Max comes out of the kitchen.

[Mom] Hey! Ramona, how was your first date?
[Aunt Steph] Yeah, tell us everything.
[Ramona] For the last time, it was romantic and I'll remember it forever. Good night.
[Dylan] Good night.
[Kimmy] What's wrong with Ramona?
[Max] Here's what I know.
[Dylan] Max don't. Just shut up.
[Mom] Don't talk to your brother like that.
[Max] At first, Ramona didn't like Popko. Then she kissed him. Then she liked him. Then he showed up with another girl, so she's didn't like him. Or maybe she still did. That part's fuzzy. Then she snuck out of the movie theater, hid in my room and helped me tickle a dog and a baby.
[Fernando] I should talk to her.
[Kimmy] No, you stay here. This is a girl thing.
[Fernando] Hey, I know about girl things. Like girl feelings and girl puberty and... You're right. I should stay here.
[Kimmy] She-wolf pack, upstairs. Mush.

Kimmy, Mom, and Aunt Steph head upstairs.

[Max] Man, I'm glad I'm a dude.
[Dylan] Yeah, ok I'm heading downstairs.

I then head downstairs and lay on my bed scrolling through Instagram. Once I get enough of that I plug in my phone and change into pajamas and go to bed.

903 words
Published: 6/02/2021

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