A New Adventure

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It was a nice fall day, cool breeze. The children running around playing. Till an unexpected guest arrived at the castle gates. "WHO ARE YOU!?" One of the Eliatrope guards asked. "Hi, we are friends of King Yugo & Queen Amalia Sheran Sharm. We know them quite well. May we pay them a visit." The pink and blue Eliatrope girl replied with joy. "That doesn't answer my question, WHO ARE YOU!?" The guard snapped. "I am Sweetart the Eliatrope, Dragon goddess a family friend of the royals and I ask you let me and my siblings through." Sweetart said almost yelling. "How can I trust you?" The guard replied. "I told you I'm their friend. Can we just say hi at least?" ST glared at him. The guard looked at them all. "Fine, you must fallow me. If they say they don't know you you will get kicked out, for lying." The gaurd replies.

The gaurd knocked on the throne room door. Then he opened the door. Yugo, Amalia, and the rest of the brotherhood were there. "Excuse me, King Yugo, Queen Amalia, but it seems these people "know" you." The gaurd said bowing. ST, and her siblings come in. Everyone in the room gasped. "It's an honor to see you, ST." Yugo replies. ST and her siblings bow. "It's nice to see you to Yugo, Amalia, all of you." ST replies. "Why does she speak so freely with the king and queen? Where are her proper manners?" One gaurd whispered. "I don't know, Isn't it against the rules." A gaurd replies. "Anything you'd like to tell us." Amalia says eyeing the gaurds. "No, my dear queen." The gaurds say. "That, tis what I thought." Amalia muttered. "So, how have you been?" Amalia ask getting up from her seat. She walks around and gives them a hug. Yugo, Elely, Pin, and Flopin do the same.

"We've been great." Duckie replies setting down their little brother. "Were are the princes and princesses?" ST asks. "Oh, they should be in their rooms." Yugo chuckles. "Orrrrrr, right here!" Generosa says poping out of one of her portals. "Hi!" P. Ethan says. "Great! Prince Ethan, meet Eathan, Eathan meet Prince Ethan." ST says. P. Ethan tilts his ears in excitement. Eathan snorts.

Eathan is the little bro. He is a black dragon; In other words he has quite the temper. (GrOuGaLoRaGrAn) ^-* Also ST has super sonic hearing/seeing (5000% further than Eva's)take note of that. Also Ethan is the prince Eathan is the dragon sib

"Eathan, don't be rude! Say hi!" ST spat at him. "Hi." Eathan says turning his head away. "Sorry, he can be rude sometimes." ST says sadly. "Oh, it's fine." P. Ethan says. There's another knock at the door. "Come in." Amalia said. "Hi there, King, Queen." Otomai said. "Hi Otomai." Yugo said. "OGREST!"Elely says before attacking him with hugs. "Hi, it seems we have a world wide problem, it's spreading faster than wild fire. Its not hitting in one direction though. First it hit, Brakmar, Elemaka, Bonta, and is headed this way!" Otomai exclaims. "What is?" Amalia asks. "The Shadow men and their leader the Dark Void." Otomai says. "What do they do?" Yugo asks "Take the Huppermages." ST and Duckie say. "How do you know?" Flopin interrupts. "That's why were here."Duckie sighed softly. "TIME FOR ANOTHER ADVENTURE!"Pin yells. "IOP BRAIN!"Princess Brianna yells. "Heeeeeey." Pin replies. Yugo chuckles. "We might as well grab out haven bags. Looks like we got another adventure." Eva says.
"YAY!" Elely, Pin, and Dally shout.

"Terrific! I can get my digger ready!" Ruel says. "Or we could use some recalls." ST says snapping her fingers. A chest filled with recall potions appear. "Where are we going to start. We can't just wonder off somewhere, while they could be attacking the other side of the world." Ad says. "All I know is that they're headed this way. They have a big army and are moving quickly. Very quickly. All they ask for is the huppys. I don't know why, no one knows why." Otomai states. "We got six gods, a goddess, three Demi-goddesses , five Demi-gods, and a few others what can't we accomplish!" ST says. "And who are all these people?" Ruel says grabbing his shovel. "I'm a goddess, Duckie (technically),Eathan,Yugo,Ad,Chibi, and Grougal are all gods. Elely, Bri, and Rosa are demigoddesses,  Flopin,Ruel,Bert,Ethan are demigods." ST replies. "Waiiiiiiiit. YOUR A GODDESS?!"Dally asks. "Yes, keep up with the program Dally. Iop brains." ST replies rolling her eyes. "What program."Dally says with a confused look. "Bruuuuuuuuuuh."Sweetart says facepalming. Elely punches ST. "What the fu-frick was that for?!"  ST complains. Elely sticks her tongue out. "Because you called him a 'Iop brain' and your a "goddess" so it shouldn't hurt." Elely says mockingly. "Shut up! Plus I never ever said it hurt." ST replies. "Whatever!" Elely spat.

,later on that night

I wake up to a large thumping sound about 10,000 miles away. I look around. Duckie is still sleep, so is Eathan. I put on a coat and go outside. I turn on my Wakfu vision and try to look far. I see them moving fast. Big black boots stomping. Black shirts, mask and pants. They look like Iop or Sacriers. I turn off the Wakfu vision. I was right, they are Sacriers. I turn to my side and see someone in a tree. Then I see what looks like a bowmeow on top of it. They have a bunch of shushus then I immediately know who it is.

939 flippin words! A good start ehh? TYSM for reading! Shoutout to my friend darlafancookie and my dragon sib Duckie or Duckieluhv

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