~First Dance~

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It was around six when mom told me to start getting ready, I fixed my hair real fast and put my makeup on. When I got done painting my lips with rosy lipgloss Tyler walked into my room. Turning around he gave me a look as I let out a giggle, the tie he was trying to do was a mess. Walking up to him I fixed it, and when he handed me his cuff links I put those on too. 

"Thanks, Ness, will you need help zipping up your dress? I can stay if you do need help." He said pointing over at my dress that was still in its bag.

"Yeah, let me go put it on." I said walking over and grabbing it off of my bed. When I took off my clothes and slipped the soft dress on I felt anxiety rush through me.

I've always hated parties, Mom loves them, Dad put up with them, and Tyler just hangs out with Matt whenever we have to go to one. But I always felt like I was drowning. I have no reason to complain but just being the Mayor's daughter puts you in the spotlight. It doesn't help that the last time I went to a party Logan Fell was there. I always have to remind myself that he's dead now, that he can't hurt me. Pushing those thoughts out of my head I walked out of my bathroom and gave Tyler a small smile before turning around.

"Are you going to be ok Nessie? If you need a break just tell me and I'll cover for you." Ty said when he was done zipping up my dress.

"I'll be ok Ty, Logan isn't here anymore and if Tommy tries to talk to me I'll just find you or Matt. And if that doesn't help I'll punch him in the face again. Actually, I'll just throw my drink in his face it'll fit the scene better." I said with a laugh. 

"Yeah it would be better to do that, but really if you need to get away for a bit tell me ok." Ty said again, I just nodded my head at him. He pressed a kiss to the back of my head before walking over to the door.

"I'll be down in a few minutes, tell mom not to freak out alright." I said giving him a small smile, he just nodded his head at me before walking off. 

Walking over to my desk I grabbed my earrings before putting them in and slipping my ring on. When I slipped on my heels I looked in the mirror, before tying the mask onto my face. Letting out a huff I walked out the door and closed it behind me, placing the 'do not enter' sign on the handle I made my way down the stairs. 

The music was playing and people were all over the place within a few minutes. Caroline and Bonnie complimented my dress, and I did the same before my mom pulled me away to say hi to some of the other people. That went on for a few hours until Tyler pulled me onto the dance floor.

"You doing good Nessie?" Nodding my head at him as I looked around. When my eyes locked in on Tommy's I quickly looked away.

"No, I'm good but I did just see Tommy. I told him I wasn't going to dance tonight, and now I'm dancing. So he'll probably try to say something." I said softly. Tyler let out a huff before spinning us around.

"It's ok Nessie, Matt and I wouldn't let him near you. Matt wanted to dance with you anyway, so we can keep him away from you. If it comes down to it I'll throw him out." Tyler said looking down at me, nodding my head at him I pressed a kiss to his cheek when the song ended.

"You really are the best big brother, you know that?" I said wrapping my arm around his waist as we walked off the dance floor.

"I know, I am pretty awesome." Tyler said with a laugh. Matt walked up to us and rolled his eyes at Tyler.

"Ty, if you don't mind I'd like to steal this lovely lady off of your arm." Matt said with a dramatic bow, I gave him a curtsey before taking his hand. 

Tyler just rolled his eyes at us with a nod of his head before he walked away. When we got onto the dance floor he placed my arms around his neck and wrapped his arms around my waist.

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