~The Audacity~

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I woke up around eight to the sound of moving trucks and my mom yelling at Tyler for his help. Stretching as I stood up I placed my blanket in the chair along with my deer and iPod before walking out of the office. 

I yawned as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and moved out of the way of people who were setting everything up for tomorrow. My mom was standing in the doorway of the kitchen as she was talking to Tyler who had his hand in a box of cereal.

Walking up behind my mom I wrapped my arms around her waist and laid my head on her shoulder. She let out a huff before turning around in my arms. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders before pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"Your brother is getting on my nerves, if there is anything you need to do today for tomorrow can you please take him with you?" Mom said with a frown on her face as she put her hand on my cheek. Nodding my head at her with a sleepy smile, she pressed another kiss to my head before turning around to Tyler.

"You behave today please, and you will go with your sister today if she has to do anything. I don't want her to be by herself with a hurt ankle. I love you both and I will see you later for dinner ok?" She said nodding before walking away.

"How is it that I'm the oldest yet she acts like you are the oldest?" Tyler said with a mouth full of cereal. 

"Because you act like a child sometimes Ty. I love you but it's the truth, and since you have to tag along with me today we can hang out and talk shit on this party we are being forced to go to." I said taking the cereal box from him before taking a handful of the cocoa pebbles and eating them. Tyler just rolled his eyes and walked off. Grabbing a bottle of apple juice I made my way back up to Dad's office to get my things. I gave the movers smiles as I walked past them. 

Throwing my stuff on my bed I pulled out my outfit for the day, after I got dressed I brushed my teeth and braided my hair. Walking down the hall to Tyler's room I walked in and plopped down on his bed. Ty was pulling his shirt on as he gave me an annoyed look, I just wiggled my fingers at him like a wave. A smile broke out on his face at that.

"So what all do you have to do today?" He asked as he plopped down beside me. I turned over on my side and tapped his nose with my finger as I gave him a smile. I grabbed his hands and pulled him up with me as I stood.

"I have to get my nails done and that's it but I was wanting to go to the bookstore. Since you're stuck with me today I thought I could get us lunch though." I said as I walked over to the door.

"Ok that's fine, we can just get lunch at the Grill. I know you love their chocolate chip pancakes." Ty said as we walked down the stairs.


Tyler complained the entire time I was getting my nails done. The nail tech thought it was funny, but I thought it was rude. Until he started to softly sing along to the music that the salon was playing. He was horribly off-key but it was funny. 

When my nails were done we stopped off at the book store, I was looking through the horror section when Tyler decided now was the perfect time to start singing "Milkshakes". I quickly grabbed the book I was looking for and pulled him to the checkout. He was twerking when the clerk handed me the book, the poor old man looked at Tyler and back at me. I gave him a sad smile.

"I'm so sorry about my brother, he's not always like this I swear. Thank you so much." I said before turning around to Tyler who was now singing "Baby got back". Grabbing his arm again I pulled him out of the store. When we were standing on the sidewalk I smacked him with the book before stomping off to my truck.

He was laughing as he climbed in before looking over at me. He let his smile fall a bit before taking my hand. 

"I love you Nessie, I don't say it as much as I should but I do." He said letting go of my hand to bump his shoulder against mine.

Broken Walls {ON HOLD}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें