~Scrapped Palms- pt.1.~

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After Elijah had gotten back to the house he was staying at, he grabbed one of the many suits he had brought with him, before walking back to his car. He hated to admit it to himself but he had gotten quite attached to Nesryn. Even if he had only had a few minutes alone with her, he couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to her. 

The thought of her being hurt by his brother made his chest tighten, Niklaus had killed many of Rebekah's lovers. So why wouldn't he try to hurt Nesryn even if Elijah just liked her company?

Driving a few states over Elijah stopped at a shop that sold antique jewelry that was owned by a vampire couple. The men didn't try to help him, most likely too scared to try. He looked through the rings and the necklaces. 

When he had found what he was looking for, the thought of the ring being on Nesryn's finger made his heart beat a little faster. He got the ring and took it to the warlock that was helping him with his brother. Getting the ring out of his pocket he set it down on the table in front of the warlock.

The man gave Elijah a look before grabbing the ring off of the table to look at it. He opened it to reveal a small compartment, much like a poison ring would have, before shutting it again.

"What do you want me to do with this Elijah?" Jonas asked as he gave the vampire a questioning look.

"I got it for someone who I have gotten quite attached to. As you can tell there is a compartment I was wanting to have filled with vervain. But I want it to protect her from any other vampire that might try to get into her thoughts when she is asleep." Elijah said as he sat down on the chair in front of the table. Jonas nodded his head before setting the ring into a bowl, before grabbing a few other things he needed before putting them into the bowl with the ring.

"I will need some of your blood to make it work, but with your blood in the spell, you are the only vampire that will be able to enter her thoughts. But only if you need to or if she wants you there, and the only way for this ring to have the spell broken is if you die. But with you being an original that won't happen" Jonas said giving Elijah a pointed look. Elijah just nodded his head at the warlock to continue the spell as he walked up to the bowl and bit into his hand to let his blood drop onto the ring.

"Thank you for your help Jonas, but if you tell my brother about any of this. You would be putting her in danger, and I will not let that happen to her. Do you understand?" Elijah said giving the warlock a blank look, but he knew Jonas understood what he was saying.

"Yes Elijah, I won't tell Klaus about this or the girl." Jonas said before turning his attention back to the spell he was putting on the ring.

Unknown to Elijah, Nesryn was lying awake in her bed thinking about the conversation she had with her brother. She did like Elijah's company, and she had to admit he made her feel safe. A lot safer than she should feel around him after only knowing him for a few days. She had closed herself off from everyone but her family and Matt after what Logan did. But she had a feeling deep inside of her that was telling her she could trust Elijah.

Closing her eyes, she drifted off to the soft sound of her music playing from the speaker on her desk. 


"Nesryn, honey wake up." The soft voice of my mother filled my ears, rolling over I buried my face into my pillow before letting out a groan. I quickly tucked my legs up into my chest when my blanket was ripped from me, the cold air leaving goosebumps on my skin.

"Mom, it's cold." I said into my pillow, but she just laughed at me before sitting down on my bed.

"Well, you have to get up since spring break started yesterday I was wanting you to tag along with Elijah and I today." I felt my face heat up at Elijah's name, before sitting up to look at my mom.

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