~Scrapped Palms- pt.2.~

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Turns out I just sprained my ankle, not a bad sprain but the doctor said to take it easy. Which wouldn't be hard until Saturday, the ball is on Saturday and I'm going to be wearing heels. I cringed at the thought as Mom walked out of the restaurant with our food. When she got into the car she sat the bag on my lap and gave me a smile.

The drive home was quiet and so was dinner until mom put her fork down.

"So what is it you like about Elijah? Is it his hair or the suits?" She asked with a smile on her face. I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked up at her.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I don't have a crush on him." I quickly said before taking a drink of my tea. Mom just let out a scoff before leaning back into her chair with her arms crossed.

"You can get away with telling Tyler you don't like Elijah, but honey I'm a woman just like you, and I see the little looks you give him when you think no one is looking. And I see the way you blush when he walks into a room." Well, shit is it really that obvious.

"Ok fine, I do think he's handsome, but to make you feel better I only like him as a friend. Do you think he can tell that I think he's handsome though?" I asked softly, picking at one of the noodles on my plate. Mom just laughed at my question as she shook her head.

"Nessie, he might be smart, but he's a man. Of course, he doesn't but if he does he wouldn't say anything to me about it. Honestly, I think he likes your company. If he was anything like how Logan Fell was whenever you were around Tyler and I wouldn't let him near you. But he's kind to you and he knows you aren't an adult yet. I can tell he wouldn't do anything to make you uncomfortable, he also told me he has a sister your age. I don't think he would let a man who made her uncomfortable be around her, so why would he do that to you." Mom said giving me a pointed look before taking a drink of her wine.

"He is really nice and very handsome. But even then I'm not ready for a relationship with anyone, I'm still trying to cope with Dad I don't need to add anything on top of that. You're right though, Elijah doesn't make me uncomfortable like how Logan did. Besides you and Tyler, and Matt of course, I feel like I can actually relax around him." I said before eating the last of my food.

"I know honey, I'm so sorry for what Logan did and for how he made you feel. But it was a good thing you came to your father and I when you did. I'll tell you this, your father came close to putting Logan in a wheelchair when you said he touched you." She said with a dark look on her face

"It's also good you found someone else you can relax around. But you have to remember that when he gets done writing his paper he's going to leave baby." She said grabbing my hand, I let out a soft laugh at the thought of Dad doing that to Logan. I did feel a ping of sadness at the thought of Elijah leaving, but everyone has a life they need to get back to.

"I know Elijah will leave when his paper is finished. Dad should have put Logan in a wheelchair, it would have lowered his ego a bit." I said looking down at our hands. I felt tears well up in my eyes at the thought of dad, they fell down my cheeks as I looked up at mom. 

"I miss him, momma." She stood up and pulled me into her arms as I cried.

I tried so hard not to let my emotions get the best of me. I tried to keep them hidden away. I was the one that held Tyler when he cried or cleaned up his hands after he came back inside from letting his anger out. I was the one that had to get Mom out of bed. It was me that made sure she didn't drink herself to death. I was the one that held our family together. Even if Dad wasn't the nicest man, he still loved us and we loved him.

"It's ok baby, I got you. I know you think it's your job to keep your brother and I put together, but I'm the parent Nessie. I know I haven't been the best lately but you can't bottle your feelings up to make us feel better. It's ok to let yourself feel, it's ok to be angry and to punch a tree, like Tyler, or to just lay in bed and cry like how I did. But don't put yourself last because of us baby." Mom said pressing a kiss to the top of my head before pulling away. She whipped my tears away before giving me a smile.

"How about we go to bed, we can watch our movie another night. Maybe on Sunday so we can recuperate after the party." Nodding my head I stood up and gave her a hug.

"I love you, mom." I said into her neck.

"Oh my sweet baby, I love you too. With my whole heart. Now let's get you to bed ok?" She grabbed my hand and walked me up the stairs to my room. I sat down on my bed as she walked over to my closet. Mom grabbed a nightgown and a sweater before walking over to my dresser to grab a pair of socks. 

"Here you go baby, sleep good ok? I'll see you in the morning?" She said giving me another kiss on the head before walking out the door and closing it behind her.

I put my sleep clothes on and got into bed, but I couldn't fall asleep. After tossing and turning for what felt like hours. I got fed up, standing up I grabbed my iPod, a blanket, and the stuffed deer I got at the fair last year. I walked down the hallway and I opened the door to Dad's office.

Walking over to his large desk chair I wrapped my blanket around me and curled up into it. With my knees pressed up to my chest, I popped my earbuds in. Adele's voice filled my ears as I laid my head on the deer as a makeshift pillow.

I knew I would get a knot in my neck in the morning but I didn't care. I just wanted to be around my dad. I felt my eyes get heavy as the faint smell of Dad's cologne and the leather of the chair held me just like how Dad did when I was little. The memory of a little five-year-old me sitting on my dad's lap popped up in my head. As a smile fell on my face I fell asleep.


Elijah sat at the kitchen table with a glass of whisky in his hand as he thought over what Carol said to Nesryn at the hospital. He had to admit that he did like the youngest Lockwood, she was kind and brought warmth to a room. The kind of warmth he hasn't felt since he was human, it made him want to be around her for the rest of his life. For the rest of his very long and never-ending life.

But he hated himself for it too. She's only seventeen, she's still so young. His thoughts made him feel disgusting. He should have been dead and gone, just a pile of bone by the time she had been born, but here he is. Alive and well, wanting to take up as much of her time as he could get his hands on.

Elijah had never felt this way for anyone before, even when he was human. He had this deep primal urge to make sure that Niklaus never set his eyes on her. Elijah knew that if he did one of three things could happen.

1. Nesryn would be killed at the hands of his little brother.

2. Niklaus would also develop the same kind of fast feelings Elijah had for her, and either kill her for making him feel any kind of real emotion or he would make her forget Elijah just to hurt him.


3. She would leave him either for Niklaus or simply to get away from him and the life he would have put her in simply to have her in his life.

Elijah was angry with himself, he and Nesryn were just acquaintances. Not friends, not lovers, just acquaintances. Yet he never wanted her to leave him in a cold and lifeless world, like the one he had met her in. He had only known her for a few days and he knew he would do anything to make sure she was safe. 

He shook his head at his thoughts, this had to be some guilt he felt just playing with his head. Making him want to protect her in hopes of saving his conscience from all the bad things he had done in his life. Drowning the rest of his whisky he left the glass on the table and walked out of the room.

When Elijah made his way into the bathroom that was in his room, he turned the shower onto the hottest setting. As the shower warmed up he stripped his suit off and stood there with his hand in the shower. When the water was the temperature of his liking he got in. The water made his skin red and if he was human he would have a burn from it, but it felt nice. Turning his back to the water he hung his head back, the water running through his hair made him let out a sigh.

He missed being human, he missed having a family that was somewhat normal. Yes, he had seen many great things, along with many bad ones, and he would never give it up. But when Nesryn was around he felt human again, he felt normal, like he was meant to meet her. He felt like she was meant to be in his life.

And he knew he had to protect her, even if he had to protect her from his own brother. Then he would.

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