Ch. 12: ♡ Couples ♡

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I'm not sure if this chapter needs warnings, but I’m going to say it just in case.




Please enjoy, comment, and vote~

(seriously, I love your comments) 


*Sonic's POV*

The sound of Amy washing dishes woke me up.

Well... that and the cold spot where she was previously sleeping next to me. The pull-out bed in the couch wasn't very comfy. I'm suddenly glad we're getting rid of her old furniture. She deserves to live like a queen. 

"Are you finally up Sonic? I made pancakes."

(A/N: Not those kind of pancakes, for those who know of my other works)

 "You dare leave me in this bed alone?" I grumbled.

Amy only giggled and rolled her eyes. 

"I'm serious!" I got up from the bed and walked behind her to hug her. "I got cold..." I pouted and squeezed her close.

"Well, I hope my breakfast makes up for that." Amy mused.

I still pouted not wanting to let go but I caved as my body was eager for fuel.

"We heading straight towards Tails' or...?" I questioned as I sat down.

"Well about that, I think we're good to go..." Amy quietly answered. 

I stayed silent for her to elaborate.

"I already packed an extra bag of necessities from my bathroom..." She blushed and stood still for a bit. "As for my household stuff, I realized I could give my home to Maria. She can't stay at Tails' forever right? I doubt Rouge is willing to share. Vanilla might but I think it's nicer to have a home to call her own."

I stared in awe and admiration.

Amy was so full of kindness it sometimes seems to challenge my selfish behavior. I get cocky, arrogant, and just plain rude sometimes... it's a part of my worse half. 


Before I could linger into that last thought Amy sat down next to me with a plate of pancakes for each of us so I just smiled at her and kissed her lightly on the cheek. Her giggles filled the morning air and warmed my heart back up.


As we neared Tails house I slowed down enough to walk the last bit with Amy. She kissed my cheek softly enough for my fur to feel tingly at the sensation.

"I'm hoping Maria will like my house. It's kinda small." Amy pondered as she linked arms with me.

"That just means it'll be quicker to clean. Why do you think I avoid Tails' garage?"

Amy laughed and nodded, "Like a war zone!"

It was my turn to laugh.

Our laughter continued until we got to the door and heard some shouting.

"Ugh. Sounds like Egg-head... forgot he was here."

Amy huffed in annoyance, "We better help, he could be trying to kill Shadow for all we know."

We both let out a laugh before opening the door...

Only to find Knuckles and Tails Struggling to hold back Eggman while Rouge and a half-naked Maria were holding back Shadow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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