Ch. 11: Chao Garden

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Hello my lovlies~

I'm back so soon? Yes, I am!

Quick note: Yes, Amy is on her period. Can't handle that? Then leave. It's actually a vital part of the chapter's meaning so don't skip it.

Speaking of the chapter...

I hope you enjoy, comment, and vote~


*Amy's POV*

"Still wish I knew yesterday... nearly stained my underwear." I muttered as I cuddled the cute purple and pink chao. It had purple spots all over but had a prominent heart shaped spot on its belly.

"Ames, I get that a period is hell and suffering, but can't you do something about it. Isn't there some kind of medicine?" Sonic questioned as he pet the head of his blue and white chao. It was mostly white with fewer spots than mine.

I ignored him as I was still bitter about the potential "accident" that could've occurred.

"I should've paid attention in the shower last night."

"Your still going on about that? I get how it's your body and you 'know it best,' but can you really tell the day before?" Sonic continued questioning.

"Yes, I can feel knots in that area and my muscles are tense when I touch them. Can't explain why, but I just found out one day. Maybe if I went in right after James left for my stuff I would've known..."

Sonic just sighed.

"I don't get how you can worry about the past so much. Take my advice and move forward and forget about it."

I sighed as I realized he was right. I can't be worrying about it now. Must be my mood swings.

"Why do girls have to suffer..."

"It's all for your health, right?"

I nodded at his words, "True, my cycle is all for my potential babies." Sonic tensed up and the chao cooed in curiosity as he stopped petting him for a moment.

I stared at him in silence as he shifted a bit more straight and he extended his previously crossed legs.

"I almost forgot that's part of it... periods must suck."

I hummed in agreement. "Not like I can get anything to stop having it now..."

"What do you mean Ames?"


I was suddenly aware I said that out loud and felt embarrassed. I didn't want to explain.

"O-oh... it's nothing. Don't worry my cycle only last 3 days."

"Yeah I know... " Sonic scooted closer to me, "I also know that you tend to repeat information when you're lying." His breath tickled my neck and I forced myself to look away... he just got closer.

My chao was then interested in the chao Sonic just let go, and soon left me to my own romance.

"Ames~" His advances were not in vain, I got goosebumps and my breathing hitched as he wrapped his arms around my torso.

I stayed silent, apparently too long for Sonic as he pulled me into his lap and started to leave a trail of kisses along my shoulder. I tried not to giggle as it tickled but it was inevitable.

"I'm assuming those giggles mean you're gonna talk to me now?" His voice got husky and I shivered in response.

"O- OK ok! Fine you win. I was saying I can't really do anything about my periods now... because of..." My throat dried up and I could feel my ears flatten.

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