Ch. 10: Boy Talk vs. Girl Talk

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I'm SOOOOO sorry about the overdue update.

I started about half before my other priorities and projects crept up.


So please enjoy, comment, and vote~


*Sonic's POV*

"Don't give me another reason to have Amy kick you Shadow..."

"I just..." Shadow started but couldn't find the words.

"So like.. you're-?" Knuckles was also in shock.

"I take it this means Amy adjusted to the idea of royalty?" Tails asked.

I nodded to him and decided to continue the conversation there. "Amy was honestly way more cool than I thought she'd be... still, she missed all of you enough for it to be clear. She sent Cream flowers and asked for her current essentials from her home."

"Speaking of home... you're not coming back to mine so soon are you?" Despite the question, Tails smiled with clear hope of future visits.

"Well, sorta. We got those aliens to worry about-"

"You're engaged to Amy and your concern is about metal eating alien parasites?" Knuckles seemed disgusted.

"What's your problem Knux?"

"Dude. I've known before Tails found out. You being royalty was always something I knew would catch up with you. You can't just expect Amy to be COMPLETELY fine..."

A silence followed.

Knuckles was definitely more concerned about Amy's treatment than ANYONE anticipated.

"Faker...," we all turned to Shadow.

He inhaled deeply, "Rose may... 'love' you endlessly... but maybe you're both... rushing things..."

He was going to speak again but held his tongue a bit.

"I think what they're trying to say is," Tails had spoken loudly enough for us to completely focus on his words, "Talk to her. An actual talk, Sonic."

I knew what they meant. I did tend to not talk all that much in one go so Amy probably still has more questions and concerns.

"All right, I see your guys' point... leave us alone tonight. I'm take her to Chao Garden and talk to her there."

"The chao do have a calming effect during serious discussions." Tails nodded.

I eyed him and noticed the others had some assumptions too.

"You've been having heavy talks too?" Knuckles questioned with a smug grin.

"H-huh?!" Tails was getting flustered and his namesake were getting ruffled up.

"I'd wager it's the rabbit." Shadow added work smugness of his own. His emotions were all over the place today.

"I-I don't- NO!" Tails was fully red. You'd think he was related to Knuckles.

"Definitely Cream. Amy can probably get her to take more notice in you Tails. I'll ask her later!" With that I saluted and ran to the house and knocked on the door.

'That boy must take after me in shyness. As a hero and his unbiological brother, I gotta save his tails.'

Amy opened the door.

"Oh." She looked taken back and looked back to Maria who was examining the remote to the TV. Amy leaned in and wispered, "She's mostly curious but I think Shadow's shock freaked her a bit. He good?"

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