We're human, tonight.

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Where am I? Why can't I move? My eyes are heavy, is this a dream? But I don't see anybody here. My breathing is fine. I'm safe, so safe but so terrified. My heart is happy, I can see his face in my mind's eye, he looks flustered. Its funny I can't feel anything but I can feel our energies bond. Just like the spirits, touch. I can feel his hand over my body but sadly the sensation wasn't there, my torso is vibrating in a much higher frequency. The frequency of love. He's asleep next to me, the world is tuned out, it's just us. I don't even know where the fuck I am, I don't care. I can't move, but I don't even care anymore. He's so beautiful. Softly snoring, rings under his eyes. Sadness washing all over his face. I can't disturb him even if I wanted to, I can't look at his soul, I'm waiting to, I want to talk to him to kiss him to let his torso swallow my timid body. I want to see him smile, I want to do so much with him. I try hard to move but every thing hurts.  I'm in so much pain, what if I'm not able to live? I'm awake and this is not a dream. I'm sure. Hopefully its not a hallucination. Even if it is, I don't want to wake up. I don't know if I'm real or not at this point in time. But I must be safe, real or not. All I knew was that I was his and he was mine.
"She's quite a beauty, though. I'm so excited, I'm so excited for her to wake up and giggle and be herself. Like she always has been, the dimple on her right cheek deepening. I don't know anything or everything. I don't know how I know this but I finally found you my love, I finally found you. I love you. I can't live without you."

"I love you too"
I hear these words being spoken at the back of my head. I swear I don't understand what is going on,  this hospital was making me feel weird and wonderful. Am I missing something here? What is happening,....
" You're not crazy, I am real. At least in my reality if only I knew that you aren't a figment of my imagination." " I'm not,but then again I'm not sure what is even going on!"
Have I lost it? I'm hearing voices in my head.

"Do one thing, touch my cheek and if we feel together then, we're both real."

I go ahead and do as she says, so nervous but butterflies in my tummy. I touch her face for the first time in my life. I feel her energy, she wraps her hand over mine. And pulls my hand towards her heart.
"Whatever is left of me, however long I have. I'm glad I had the opportunity to love you,like this. Together, laying down sharing space. I finally found you"
I can feel her energy wrapped around my hand, my hand is vibrating. Not physically, if you get what I mean. It's almost numb.

She feels calm, didn't think that this is how she'd react to love. She thought that she'd be squealing in joy but she's just calm, she's just safe. Finally.
Not like she could do anything about it anyway. She's frozen and I want to enter her world now. I want to freeze and be in our own world. We belonged together.

"You don't need to freeze"
she shifts her energy and kisses me on my lips, now I can feel the buzzing sensation on my mouth.
"That was my first love kiss" she says. 
"Mine too"
Right then her steady heart, starts jumping. The machines crying, and so was my heart. Because I didn't know how to save her. Her heartbeat went flat after a sudden spike and the nurses rushed Inside. They were giving her heart necessary electric energy,
so that it could start up again but I couldn't watch this pain anymore. So like the coward I was, I ran.

I could hear distinct talking. Finally I felt better, where was he, I didn't even know his name. I looked around in my mind's eye. They were telling him that I'm paralyzed and might never wake up, that my lungs had failed. I was drowning in the water for way too long. The tar from smoking and the water had really affected my lungs. They told him that, he makes me respond greatly. And it was a miracle. That he was a miracle worker.
They advised him to be by my side as much as possible and that,as my husband (my husband??????) He should contact my family.
I didn't know how I knew all this, except I just did. And it was depressing as fuck man, but nothing could kill my vibe today.

I wanted to talk to him more, to love him more too.
I was waiting for him, wondering where he was. I was waiting for him, I liked looking at him. He had beautiful olive skin and black hair,slicked back. And deep beautiful black eyes, that I bet if I could look inside I'd see my own face. Because I was his world. And he'd be able to do the same. Thereby I don't know what and how, but turns out I'm his wife now.
If only he could kiss my lips, I had to warn him not to, or his soul would connect with mine completely. He would be infected. He would die too. And I never in a million world's would want that. I accepted the fact that I can't live more. But I loved him enough to let him go. I had to tell him to stay away from my physical body. Don't ask me, he just knew.

This also made another thing obvious to him, that though her lungs had failed. His energy exchange could make the dirt and bad karmic exchanges she had, had with people she's slept with dilute. She was his venom and he was her medicine. She wanted to keep this hidden from him, but sharing the same headspace, the moment she realised it, the moment they had connected they'd become one, the moment she let the thought wander, he got to know about it.
It was tough having no walls, and she didn't know how to hide. That very moment he rushes Inside her room, and sits next to her, holds her hand. Brushes her hair away from her face, "promise me,you won't do it?" She says but she didn't need him to say anything to know the answer. She knew, that he had already started toying with the idea, he'd say that he's not going to do it but it's always going to be a lie. She knew he loved her too. And if death was what gave him love, he'd give away his life. For he too was a creature morbid, saddened. Broken and desperate for love.

By now I hope you've understood that they were no longer different people but one creature. Waiting for completion. 
Had God written this fate for them? That love was now around the corner from them both who had pined for it all their lives. But life had given up on them. At least, one thing was sure, they'd die together. In love. Finally.
The union was almost complete.

We're flipping through life. Mostly hers, because she's quite an interesting creature, very intelligent. She read me like a book, just like that. So easy, I was bare in front of her. To be honest I already feel so blessed. "We're Gods, she says to me waiting to return home" she tells me. Having a human experience and I can't agree less. My life has been sad, but her's has been harder.
We're the same.
I'm a simple guy, I love art and beauty.
I'm everything she is, but male.
Musician by profession, husband, bite the wandering eyes.
She giggles, I love to make her laugh.
She's the prettiest lady I know.
Simple, authentic, raw and breathtaking.
A masterpiece in the making.
If I could turn her into a tune, I would sing it like devotion. Till my throat is sore, till I drop dead. But life's kinder to us both now or maybe ts all a joke, it's a big price to pay. Your life. My life. Our daughter's life, who we both knew very well would have been born. But not this lifetime.

She shows me her old home, her parents
Her life.
Her pain and her cries. And I could see it all in detail, as she could see mine because our thoughts were one.
She was my lover for life.
If you think her mind is twisted, because she thinks it is I agree, because I'm the same mind. She's my mirror. My better half.

And she froze, as she realised. Her limp body trying to move, she was pushing me away.
But I went ahead and did it, I kissed her rosy lips. Because indeed insanity is the price of beauty.

For half a minute I was in heaven, as her eyes shot open. Her face sweaty, red dyed hair limp and dry. But what a beauty. It was perfect. I was now an artist, I had created love. I was free, free from everyone and everything. I was finally good enough, I was transcended, I was at the perfect and the highest vibration there is. I now understood why she said I'm a God, I felt my riches and gold. My diamond heart was having a human embodiment. I couldn't see but I knew in my mind's eye I saw the two graceful threads looming over her heart space and mine, she was a rose, I was a jasmine. Our favourite flowers, dedicated to each other. We were one. The union had begun.
And then my breath hitched and I blacked out right when she opened her eyes. Our souls mirrored each other and went to sleep after the heavy, long taxing experience of thriving creating oneness, as above so below.

But her eyes, I saw within. I saw myself there. And that was the first time ever I had seen myself anywhere,so loved and so lost. It was ironic,
  I was finally found, she was finally found.
"We were found, only to realise that to be lost is to truly be found"

And like that, our souls enveloped in each other, left our bodies forever. For this lifetime at least. we had wings now, we were Gods now.

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