At night, Lisa, Old Wu, and the others hurriedly finished their dinner before arming themselves with bulletproof vests as well as batons. Lisa looked at the thick bullet-proof padding and knew that she would get exhausted if she needed to wear it for an extended period of time. After a moment of silence, she decided not to wear the vest and went to look for the provincial unit's captain.

As she arrived at his van, she saw the captain talking into a mobile phone while rubbing his forehead. "Why didn't you tell us that your wife is pregnant? I was wondering why you were calling me so urgently. No problem, I understand. I'll let her stay in the backline and handle the logistics..."

Lisa was slightly stunned and instantly felt a warmth in her heart. Then, she turned around and went back.

The next time Lisa saw Jungkook was on the following night.

That day, the mountains seemed to revert back to it's calm and peaceful state. The students had been persuaded to leave and the media was now under control, they were much less restless. a few dozen newspapers and broadcasting agencies were allowed access to specific regions in the mountain area. The provincial department also hoped that they would publish some objective and positive news that would appease the public.

Hundreds of police officers were scattered all over the mountains as they continuously searched without resting. The area was only a few thousand kilometers long, but it was impossible to properly comb through in such a short period of time. As such, there had not been any progress on the case so far.

Old Wu and the others went out while it was late at night as Lisa temporarily slept in a row of farmhouses at the foot of the mountain along with all the police unit's logisticians and media personnel. While she was sleeping soundlessly, she heard Jungkook making a phone call outside the house. "...Yes, I just got to the foot of the mountain. Ok, then I'll wait for you to pick me up."

Lisa immediately got up and saw Jungkook pushing open the door to the house. The moonlight shone on his face and he looked very tired. However, his eyes were still bright and sharp.

"I'll leave immediately after taking a rest." His voice sounded a little hoarse.

Lisa got out of bed and poured him a glass of water. Then, Jungkook pulled her into his arms and gulped down the water in one go. "Is everything okay these days?"

"Nothing's happened so far. What about you?"

"What could happen to me?" He smiled.

The two of them remained silent for a while before Lisa sighed. "I have been thinking about this murderer for the past two days, but I still can't figure it out."

Jungkook was almost always on the road over the past two days. Even when he was in the provincial department, he had to report to the higher uppers, such that he did not have time to ponder the case. When he heard her say this, he simply nodded. "I still have some time, let's analyze it properly. Where's the paper and pen?"

Lisa immediately pulled out a pen and paper from under the pillow along with a few photos of the crime scene. Jungkook thought of the child in her stomach and could only smile bitterly as he caressed her head.

Lisa listed down the screening criteria that she previously came up with. Jungkook looked at it attentively and after pondering for a moment, raised his head to look at her. "What was the sentence again? After excluding the impossible, you will be left with the truth, regardless of how improbable." Lisa nodded.

Jungkook smiled. "Thus, even though you said that the possibility of two people who fit the description appearing at the same time is minuscule, it has happened. The second person certainly exists. If we catch him, the suspicion surrounding Chanyeol and the truth behind the case will all be revealed."

When a snail falls in love | Liskook Where stories live. Discover now