Dear God, I must be a tomato by now....

She hugged me tighter, causing me to gasp for air. "T...Too....tight...." I wheeze out.

For someone as short as her, she sure is strong!

She loosened her grip on command, nuzzling further into my chest. I swear that my heart skipped a beat.

"Are you okay, my faithful servant?" Takanashi asked Dekomori. I'm guessing it isn't just me who thought her behavior was unusual.

Dekomori nodded, still having her face in my chest. "Y-Yes, master, I am just swell." She reassured her "master". Am I the only one who doesn't like it when Dekomori calls her "master"?

I really hate to admit this, but I'm a bit worried about Dekomori. I mean, she hates me, just like I hate her! She would never do this to me out of free will, ever!

I sigh gently, looking down at my much shorter lower classman, I was contemplating on whether to pull her off of me or not.

Wait, why am I debating on pulling her off of me?!? The awnser should be immediate, I want her off of me!

I could hear Takanashi and Togashi's footsteps fade as they both left the room. I'm assuming that they are making plans for breakfast.

They left me here to defend for myself, some friends they are...

Much to my surprise, Dekomori didn't say anything, at all. She just stood there:  hugging onto me with her face buried into my chest.

At this point in time, I thought it was best to pull her off of me, so I did so.

Dekomori then backed away from me, crossing her arms. I got her in the habit of doing that. She seemed to be mimicking my movements lately.


I looked over at her, "Exuse me?" I asked her.

"Idiot, fool, moron, Neanderthal, need I say more?" She asked me, raising a brow.

It looks like she isn't a morning person...

"Uhm, no, I think you've said enough. Also, who are you calling those things—Ow!" I yelp, I had once again been assaulted mid-sentence with one of her ball things on the end of her long pigtails.

"Of course a commoner like you would fail to understand my refined logic." She spat, spinning one of her pigtails while her other hand rested on her hip.

She turned her head away from me, scoffing. "Come, let us feast. For this first feasting is of the upmost importance." She walked out of the room, leaving me standing there, completely and utterly confused.

What in the hell was that just now???

I think to myself as I pinch the bridge of my nose. I know she already has enough issues as it is, but I didn't expect that she'd have more locked, loaded, and ready to fire.

Gathering the rest of my pride and dignity, I exit Togashi's room and make my way towards the dining area. My "friends" were already sitting down, eating breakfast and chatting away.

"Hey, Nibutani! I made breakfast." Togashi said with a smile, pointing to a plate of food that has yet to be touched.

I pulled out the only free chair left and sat down, scooting forward soon after. "Thanks, Togashi." I smiled back, looking down at my plate. I must admit, it looks pretty good!

The only thing that didn't look good was that I had to be seated next to tiny tike over here. Oh well, I'll just ignore her for now.

I grabbed my utensils and began to eat in silence. I was just glad that Dekomori didn't ruin it for me this time.

Come to think of it, Dekomori has been scilent all of this morning (besides when we were both alone in Togashi's room). She didn't even bother to talk to her little "master" either. Takanashi was the one who was forced to start a conversation, even though Dekomori was almost always the first one to start one.

Shinka, stop over analyzing that idiot's behavior. Be grateful that she isn't blabbering about stupid crap for once her in life.

I scolded myself for putting too much thought into Dekomori's unusual behavior.

I continued to eat and eat, until I finally finished my meal.

I thanked Togashi and sat up from my seat, walking over to the sink in order to wash my dirty plate.

I grabbed a sponge that was to the left of the sink and turn the water on, beginning to scrub some of the excess food that was stuck to my plate.

I added some dish soap in occasionally in order to speed along the cleaning process.

Within minutes or so, my plate was sparkly and clean. Satisfied with my work, I placed my plate down in the sink gently and walked back over to the dining table, taking a seat.

"So, guys, how long do you think Kumin will be away?" Togashi asked.

"I have no idea to be honest. I just hope she's alright." I say, I honestly missed that sleepy head.

"My ally will be fine, she is just training." Takanashi stated, with pride of course.

Togashi rolled his eyes and then looked towards Dekomori, who has yet to utter a single word. "Hey, Dekomori, are you alright?"

Dekomori nodded, "Of course I am, Dark Flame Master!" She huffed at him.

Okay, I guess she's fine now, since she responded and all that. "The twerp is fine, Togashi. No need to worry."

"If you say so." Togashi replied, leaning back in his chair with his arms folded behind his head.

I checked my phone, it was about that time of day. The time of day where we should start walking to school.

"Hey, Togashi, I just checked the time. We should get going."

Takanashi shot up from her seat, "Agreed." Was all she said.

Togashi sat up after her, grabbing his bag. Thankfully we were all dressed in our uniforms. "You're right, let's get going." He was the first to walk out, Takanashi followed shortly after him.

I adjusted my uniform bow and grabbed my back gently. I started for the door and soon stopped in my tracks.

I turned my head and looked back at Dekomori. "Hey, are you coming?" I asked her, she seemed to be zoning out a bit.

My words snapped her out of her possible days, she then looked at me. "But of course, a good student would never intentionally skip school." She scoffed, to which I rolled my eyes in response.

"Sure, sure." I wave my hand dismissively and exit out the door.

A/N: I kind of forgot that Kumin existed for most of my chapters—

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