Chapter five- The proposal

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The red ring pop shines in the moonlight. Wade, on one knee, pours his heart out.

"Peter, I loved you since the moment I met you" I smile as I look at his scarred face.

"You have brought so much happiness in my life and I couldn't ask for a better partner or friend" I started to tear up. Every single word that he spoke, I felt the exact same way.

"You stood by me even after I showed you my scars and when I came back after... well you know" He smiled and held my hands.

"You are my matching puzzle piece" He kissed both of my hands, looking back up at me.

"Peter.... Will you marry me?" My smile grew rapidly.

"Of course I'll marry you!" He helped put on the red candy ring over my suit and I hugged him tightly. In this moment I was happier than I've ever been.

He whispered "Dont worry baby boy, I'll get you a real ring" My heart melted, this was perfect. I didn't need a 'real ring', all I needed was him.

"Im marrying my best friend" I smiled brightly and I kissed him passionately, standing on my tiptoes to reach his lips.

The stars shin bright, showing nothing but our love for each other. The moon smiled down at me, showing that it kept its promise.

"Im so excited to tell everyone!" I said as we gazed into eachothers eyes.

"They'll ne so happy for us" He smirked and pulled me back in his arms.

"I love you Petey"

I blushed "Love you too Wadey"

He chuckled, I knew that name wasn't his favorite but I got away with it.

An hour passed and we found ourselves watching the night sky beside each other. I had my head rested on his shoulder as I saw the moon begin to fall.

I kissed his cheek and texted Sasha, telling her about this wonderful night. She didn't respond. So we made our way to the compound, tucking away my ring safely so it didn't break.

We finally got back to see Gwen and a mysterious woman in Sasha's room. Wade decided to head to the kitchen to make something.

"Sasha? Who is this?" I asked with hesitation.

She smiled and rocked her son "This is Eli, dont you remember?"

"Oh yeah! Eli! I remember you!" I smiled, remembering the fond memories before my coma, when me and Sashe lived in the compound together.

The two girls continued talking, catching up on their lives, while Gwen noticed my joyful aura.

"Seems like cupid struck someone with his arrow today" She said as she rolled her eyes.

"What are you talking about?!" I said as I blushed.

I hadn't really told Gwen how serious me and Wade are. She wasn't really one for romance.

Sasha smirked as I continued blushing "We just went on a few missions! You know, typical date stuff"

Gwen crossed her arms playfully "It's just a little obvious about the spideypool thing"

I chuckled "We don't exactly keep it a secret"

Sasha jumped in the conversation "Somebodys in loooovvvveeee"

I blushed an even darker red, I didn't think that was even possible.

Eli walked over to us and said her goodbyes. I still remember the days when I lived here, Wade and I just got back together and I had met my sisters girlfriend. Those days were definitely different.

I smiled and looked at my sister "I texted Sasha and told her all about my date night"

She looked at the ground and flushed as I asked her if she read them, her replying that she in fact did.

"Then you know what happened! And right now we need to be more focused on whats going on. Like what happened to Hollie?"

While on my missions with Wade, I was informed that Hollie barged in and left with her daughter.

"My romantic life can wait" I looked around at everyone with a stern eye.

"Yeah... but you should tell everyone" My sister said, excited by the news.

I repeated my former sentence "We gotta figure out whats going on with Hollie"

She sighed and started to call someone, a person Hollie said to call if she wasnt back within a few hours.

I whispered as my smile came back "I'll tell you guys about Wade later"

Sasha was balancing Damien on her hip as she dialed the number. His soft little angel voice spoke as he faced me "Ppetaa!"

I smiled and brushed his few hairs back "Are you trying to say my name?"

He reached for me "PEETAA!"

I picked him up and tilted my head "That's right Damien! I'm Peter!"

I bounced him and whispered in his small ear "You're going to love Wade. I'll let you two meet once I teach him not to curse"

I chuckled fondly and Gwen overheard me "I'm pretty sure that's impossible Peter" She laughed along

"He's getting better, he only cursed 19 times while we were on missions today!"

Gwen sarcastically responded "Only 19 times!"

I brought Damien to the kitchen and looked as my lover made a snack "Somethings going on with Hollie"

He dropped his head "Just dont get hurt"

I gave him a look, one that showed my apology and my love for him all in one glance, he knew my job was dangerous but he hated seeing me in pain.

"I'm serious Peter! Promise..."

I picked up his hand and gave him a reassuring face and soft kiss on his beautifully scarred lips "I promise"

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