Torture by Teasing

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She turned to lay on her side, facing away from Jin. Only a few moments later she felt him move so that he was behind her and then an arm wrapped around her. When she felt him leave a soft kiss behind her ear, she wondered if it was an apology for teasing her. Anna was sure he purposely stopped with the intention of leaving her wanting more.

As much as she tried to keep the pout on her lips, she couldn't. The annoyed furrow of her eyebrows smoothed out and a small smile graced her lips instead. Her heart was giddy, and still racing slightly, from her soulmate's attentions. When she finally drifted off to sleep, it was dreaming of all the ways she could get back at him. Didn't they realise that she could tease too?

Whether it was thanks to Jin's distraction was yet to be determined, but Anna felt like the press conference went well. Or at least she didn't think she completely messed it up. They had a translator translate what she said. The questions weren't dissimilar to ARMYs. They asked where she came from, whether she was a fan before they met, and how did they meet. Although, the questions weren't as filtered as ARMYs had been.

Of course, Anna knew that during the V Live Namjoon had carefully chosen which questions and comments to translate for her. He had done the same for the other members in their early days when the comments they got weren't very encouraging.

The thing she found difficult was knowing how much to reveal. Anna tended to give either very little detail or the full story. Sometimes she was too honest, an open book. Whenever she struggled to answer a question, unsure of what to say, or what she was allowed to say, the boys would pitch in to help. She always sighed in relief when they took over. It was very intimidating sitting in front of all those reporters. She knew it wasn't the boys' favourite thing to do either, but that it got slightly easier with time and practice.

However, that was only the beginning of her day. After the interview and the photoshoot, Anna found herself in a meeting with some staff members who she was told would be handling her public image. They had set her up with public official social media accounts, her first post being a picture from last night's V Live which read 'Hello ARMY!' and the second from the morning's press conference.

The staff would mainly be there for support and they advised her on what she should and shouldn't post. She was free to post pretty much anything she wanted, but if it involved the boys, she needed to be wary of giving out any spoilers. If she was unsure, then she should run it by the staff first.

Anna was already worried about what she would post. Outside of the fact that her soulmates were BTS, she considered herself to be rather boring. On top of that, her posts would potentially be seen by thousands of people. As her old social media accounts were private, she was used to only a few family, friends and old classmates seeing what she posted. She wondered if she would actually be able to press the post button when the time came.

While Anna had been getting an introduction to what it meant to be in the public eye, her soulmates had gone straight back to work. When Anna found them, they were all gathered in their dance studio, about to start practising. They all greeted her warmly, fussing over her, asking her if she was alright, just as they did after the press conference had ended. Her automatic reaction was to tell them she was fine, but she was trying to be more open with telling them about her feelings like they had asked her to.

"Where is Kookie?"

"Yeah, where did he disappear off to?"

"He said he had a meeting."

"A meeting? With whom?"

"Sihyuk Hyung."

"It still feels weird to call the CEO Hyung."

"How are you not used to it yet? It's been, what, a year?"

"He's our boss!"

"He's cooked dinner for us!"

The others just ignored Jin and Jimin as they squabbled and Hoseok asked Namjoon a question.

"What's the meeting about?"


Just then Jungkook walked into the room and Taehyung bounced straight over to him.

"How did your meeting go? What was it about?"

"Oh, uh, I was just running by an idea I had for my mixtape."

"What idea? You haven't told me about this!"

"It's... secret! Yes, a secret. I have one more person to talk to and then I can tell you, Hyung."

"Or you could tell me now?"

Jungkook ignored Taehyung's puppy dog eyes and said hello to Anna instead.

"How has the rest of your day been Noona?"

"A little overwhelming. I now have my own Twitter account. Don't know what I'm going to post on it though..."

Anna mumbled the last part to herself, but he still heard her.

"Selca's. When in doubt, post a selfie."

Her soulmates laughed as Anna scrunched up her nose. They all knew her dislike for photos of herself.

"I have an idea! Group selca. Let's all be in Anna's first Twitter selfie!"

An Indescribable FeelingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ