Chapter 20

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It's afternoon. It was around 2'O clock. I was sitting in my room thinking about what to do about my Date. Should I go or not? Oh God, where I got stuck? I ran a hand in my hair.

A knock interrupted my thoughts. "Come in," I mumbled. Daksh came inside with his best teasing smile but it got vanished when he saw me sitting on the bed.

"What the hell Annie, why are you not ready?" He asked and came closed to me and touched my shoulder. I looked at him.

"I don't think I want to go," I whispered not want him to listen. "What but why?" He literally screamed. "Hushhh!! Don't scream. Daksh." I whispered hushing him.

"Why don't you want to go Annie? This is your first date. He is the first guy who asked you out." He said. I frowned. "Shut up, Don't say that," I screamed. Okay, he is the first guy who asked me out but he didn't have to mention that.

"What I am saying is right. The truth hurts as everyone says." He said with a laugh. I hit him hard on his arm and pouted. But my face fell thinking about it.

Daksh sighed. He came closer and pulled me closer to him. "You are upset? What happened. Did something happen?" He asked. I started to interrupt him but he squeezed my arm. "I can tell by your face something is wrong. So, don't tell me you are alright." He said. I put my arms around him. "You don't like Abhimanyu? But I thought you like him. He is a nice and smart boy." He said.

"He is. But.." I stopped don't know how to explain to him what I am feeling. And don't want to tell him I like his brother. And his brother will get mad at me if he gets to know about this Date. From what he did tomorrow and the daily reminder to stay away from Abhi like a warning.

"But what? What is going in your mind?" He asked me. He squeezed my arm. "Nothing. I am just nervous you know my date and all." I said with a sad smile.

"Daksh, why don't you come with me. You can also spend time with him. You know. We all can become friends." I said. "What a great idea." He said mockingly. I pout.

"No, I can't come because last time you tell me you said he asked you out not me." He said. "So what? When Dad takes me and Ayu out for food and ice cream. No one asks you to join us but you always do." I let out. His eyes went wide and he opened his mouth and shut it. He hit his hand on his forehead.

I shrugged playing dumb. "That is totally different. Abhimanyu doesn't want me there." He told me. "Not at all different. We also don't want you to come with us." I teased him and pressed my lips together not wanting to laugh. "Heyyy" He snapped. But he knows I am just teasing him.

"What? You are coming that's final. I am going to message him and tell him you are tagging along because you want to join us and want to know him better." I told him while getting up from the bed.

"I am not." He also stands up. I pick up my phone from the table but Daksh snatches it from me. "Nooo." He screams. I blinked. "Yess, we can make an excuse like you want to do the shopping and anything but forget and you want my help. And don't forget this I am your fashion adviser. You don't buy clothes until I approve them." I said the truth. It is true. His clothing sense is awful and when he realised it. We decided that I will be the one who will choose clothes for him.

"Shut up. You are making me angry. What is your problem? Why are you behaving like this?" He screams. getting frustrated with me. "Because your brother will kill me if he got to know." I merely whisper not want him to hear.

"What? Say properly." He scolded me. "I was saying that I am nervous." I let out a long breath. "Come here." He sat down and patted the place beside him. I quickly went towards him and sat beside him. He pulled me in a hug.

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